Back From France

Nov 07, 2007 11:34

We're back, for better or for worse.

By the way, when did gas jump over $3?! Christ!

We spent the first part of our vacation in Verdun and the second part in Paris.

I'll have pics later. they're on an other computer.

So it began. 
We left Tampa to DC to Paris to Verdun on 26Oct. Immediately things started happening.
...Riley began his campaign across the Atlantic.
...We made it through security with limited issues.
...Our planes were on time AND we got to Paris 30 min faster than scheduled. 
But the biggest thing that happened the day of take-off -- my back began causing issues. This, but not only this, would be the bain of my existance.

Riley's Campaign
Riley was deemed "the mayor" by us long ago due to his diligence at making friends WHEREEVER he goes. He waves and smiles and makes eyes at everyone he encounters. This was only amplified by his new WORLD TRAVELER status. He waved at EVERYONE! He waved and said Bye-Bye to cars, scooters, buses, people on the runway, people on the plane, people on the street and in the airport and in the museums and in the hotels.

Regardless of how much he hadn't slept or where we were taking him or what we were doing he was ON! He was the best part of the trip.

For all you moms, dads and travelers with children here is a little tip I did not know until talking to my uncle and researching online.
You are able to travel with a REASONABLE AMOUNT of liquids/gels when traveling with a child. 
Not just the standard 3-1-1. (3 oz bottles, 1 qt bag, 1 bag per person). Now I was concerned about what a reasonable amount would be. I brought 2 milk boxes and 2 juice boxes, plus 2 jars of baby food on my way out of the country. On the way in I brought 3 large prepackaged baby foods, 2 small jars and a sippy cup with juice or milk throughout the trip. The trick is DECLARE YOUR LIQUIDS. 
It was easy. They weren't bad at all with us traveling. We had to take off our shoes here in Tampa, but I didn't anywhere else. Which illicited this response from a British traveler coming through behind us, "They make the baby take off his shoes too? Wow it's much more relaxed over in Europe." To which I replied, "Yes, well I hope you feel much safer now that my son's shoes have been checked." Of course it was in jest, since it was such a bizarre thing to think someone might hide something in their baby's shoes. He and another fellow summed it up nicely as they chatted more about the insane lengths we go through to put up a front (since security down below isn't the same) by saying frankly, "I would have felt secure whether you took his shoes off or not." Exactly.

Our Plane
Was a 777. We had tvs in front of us and lots of channels with movies and tv programs and XM channels for radio. I didn't enjoy the shows so much as I was more on baby duty when he was awake and trying my damnedest to get somfortable when he was not. 
We were in economy on the way there and bumped to economy plus on the way back because the bitchy European women behind us were causing all kinds of problems like pushing Cordes' seat with HER FOOT when he leaned his seat back, beating on my seat and initially getting the stewardesses on their side since there was a misunderstanding of what was happening and they thought we were to blame. The apology bumped us to Plus which has more room and we got a full row too. Ha BITCHES!

So my back.

I have two herniated disks. I had an appointment Wed, we left Fri. Wed I wasn't feeling bad. The procedure wasn't a preventative and since I wasn't in pain it was unnecessary so we decided to skip those shots. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be the last of that but I figured any pain I'd have while away would be minimal and I could take a pain pill as needed.

If only!

The pain began in-flight. It's still hurting. I have taken a bottle of darvicet PLUS advil and motrin and aleve and anything I could get my hands on. I could hardly stand it some mornings and it brought my to tears. Now, I have been in pain a lot with back problems and continued living life to the best of my ability. This is different. It brought my to my knees, literally. It brought me to tears. It brought me to want to shorten our trip and come back to Hudson. Florida for god's sake!

It was miserable and I can only hope Cordes' memories aren't forever tainted. I hope he had some good time. I was in constant pain. AM in constant pain.

I have an appointment today at 2pm. For an epidural. Let's hope it works...

PS: The good stuff is to come when I get the pics loaded.


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