Jan 26, 2007 06:12
I know, our last name is Owen, but who are we kidding? It's Riley run.
It's 530am now. I've been up with him since 4. Not complaining, it's my duty. I do wish he'd let me sleep until at least 530 or 6, but, que the quasi-dreamlike Disney music and singing finches, someday my dream will come true.
Until then I'll update, since I don't feel like working this morning which is what I usually do at this hour. That and listen to streaming NPR radio, which I'm also not doing yet. Maybe I'll que that music. Or skip the news standard journalistic form and move on to an episode of the satirical hit, Wait...Wait...Don't Tell Me. My new favorite satire show really.
But onto the Riley update.
Still teething. Drool for days and a bite like a rabid bunny.
Babbling his mamamamas and bababababas more frequently and consistently - before it was just fun to make sounds now he's picking up on which sounds his trying to make.
He said mama yesterday. Total fluke, but he said stop - mama - stop - babababamamabamabaamabamaba. So clearly it's coming. :)
He's trying to sit up. Starting to get it but leaning over forward then flopping to the side. You know how they do.
One of his newest things is to blow on my nipple while in the nursing position. Think: bare belly, blow on bare belly, baby laughs hysterically. Then reverse that to him doing it to me on my boob. It's really funny. Weird now that I write it for explanation, but totally funny.
I think he's allergic to diapers. He's developed this terrible, raw rash that won't go away. It's mostly a friction rash looks like, right around the diaper bands and not so much on the fleshy under booty. I've tried Balmex, vaseline, a Rx yeast cream, Tenactin, a combination of these, bathing in baking soda, changing the type of diapers we use.
I've cut out citrus. That was inflaming him. I think the few bits of chocolate I've sneaked are effecting his recovery time though. So Mama's gotta stop sneaking the cocoa. I've cut way back on tomato products too. Except ketchup now that I think of it. Damn.
I'm still off cow's milk. Though I could drink a gallon of 8th Continent Light Vanilla Soy Milk if no one stopped me. It seems to give him gas, but he passes it just fine and I need the calcium. BTW the gas only effects him in case you were wandering to another conclusion.
He loves to stand.
He loves his jumparoo.
He loves putting things in his mouth and making them all gooey slobbery.
He loves the cat and laughs at her when she gets near him. But he usually pinches her when she lays too close. She actually bit his foot the other day! I was sitting folding laundry, Riley was on the floor on his little play gym mat and Luna was laying between us. Riley felt her at his feet and as always kicked and kicked and kicked. She got up a few times only to settle back down by his feet. He kicked and kicked her one too many times and for the moment I turned around to get more clothes from the basket she grabbed his foot his her front paw and mouth. I turned around to see it. Swatted her gently on the hindquarters, gently since it wasn't a ferocious bite and he didn't seem to notice. And she moved. She did come back, only this time sat closer to me than to his kicking, kicking, kicking feet.
No harm done.
I've taken him back off solids for now, until his rash clears up or I go in for his 6 month check up and can ask about it. It gets inflamed then goes down but never quite disappears. I'm afraid it may be eczema. It's little round raw spots. Very dry. I keep applying ointment to it and let it air dry. Oh, speaking of which, I need to wash the play gym mat. He peed on it while air drying yesterday. Well, I'd rather wash it than keep him bundled and rashy. There are worse things than baby pee. Many MANY worse things.
Oh, he likes to lick. I think he got that from Megan. She used to lick me on the hand when we'd fight years ago. It was so disgusting. Needless to say having my baby do it isn't quite so bad. Especially since when I pick him up he happy tries to latch onto my face, nose, chin, cheek and manages to cover me in baby spit. But still, cheers Aunt Megan. Your nephew has inherited your defense mechanism. Well, the one used on me before you learned martial arts and now I wouldn't try to tackle you unless it were to push you from in front of a speeding car. No sirreeeeeeee, my baby sister is all grown up and can now kick my butt. So I don't provoke any longer.
What else...
His eyes are so very blue and gorgeous. Just like Daddy's.
He's ticklish.
He's got some powerful kickers.
He looks good in red and any blue.
He even has a few Elmo outfits I love to put on him. Primary colors are my favorite and he looks dashing in them. Death to Elmo! But I do love how the little lad looks in those hues.
That said, if anyone buys him one of those damn dancing Elmo dolls I will set it aflame.
He's probably about 17-18 pounds now. We don't have a scale in our house (recover(ed/ing) anorexic here with an unhealthy draw to stepping on the scale incessantly) so it's a guess. He'll be 6 months old on Feb 7! 12 days to go.
He's probably 6'2" now.
Ok, that's everything I can think of.
PhotoBucket is now under maintenance so pics will be added shortly.