And how do people get sprayed when the skunk does a whole song-and-dance routine prior to dousing one with his offensive odor? I guess those people deserve to bath in tomato juice.
I took Riley to the zoo today and was absorbed by the skunks, obviously, and these little pig/tapir looking things that were neither actually a pig nor a tapir. It's name started with a "b" but I couldn't wrap my mind around all the consonants and vowels in the name long enough to sound it out. There were two and they were playing, that was more exciting.
Yesterday we went on a picnic to Starkey Park. I grabbed a sandwich from Publix (oh-so-good) and had his lunch on me, ha. Then I read him a few chapters from Book 1 of The Chronicles of Narnia. It's called The Wizard's Nephew. Megan, do you remember that book? I always assumed it started with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but couldn't figure out how Narnia got all cold and icy to begin with. So I guess we'll find out.
I also cleaned house this morning and have somehow managed to watch the second half of the second season of Project Runway in the last few days as I'm waiting for the next new Project Runway which didn't play this past Wednesday and they're making me wait until next Wednesday. Ok, so I've never been interested in PR until this season. Never even saw it until a few weeks ago. Then, Bravo runs the reruns and I'm hooked. Thanks to the
dieuterus mentions of PR over the last, I don't know, year. So now I'm a freaking junky. Plus I like to look at Heidi Klum since she's gorgeous and has had, what, 3 kids? Still trying to figure that out.
I went to my 6 week check up. I'm now one pound less than I was the day I went in for my first ob appointment. Woo-hoo. Still have little to no visible muscle tone in my abdomen and tonight looking at myself was depressing. But, I get extra depressed when Cordes goes out of town so why bother with my body image at a time like that? Of course I'll ridicule myself. Still, without much extra effort I've not done so bad with dropping the "baby weight". Though it may be why my milk production seems low at times, since that's the weight it's supposed to pull off of for making milk. Guess I need to eat more calories to counteract the calories burned in milk making.
I also know now that we're not going to Nebraska for Christmas. I thought we wouldn't be with fan still covered in shit from the visit, but there was a peice of me that just wanted to be chosen over the damn bitch, no matter how feably. So, who knows how well my baby will know his grandfather with things like this bound to reoccur? It's in his court to make the relationship happen. I'm open to it, grandfather/grandson I mean. But there you go, another point for the "new family" team with us "old family" lagging years behind. Or maybe it's just the way I see it. Whatever, bottom line: we're spending Christmas with the Riley side of the family and all the brand new chil'n that be rollin' around. It'll be good to have a nice, big family Christmas and see what Christmas is like through the kids' eyes. Riley's too young to care yet, but there are plenty of 3-4-5 year olds to do the honors of believing that Santa won't come if they don't get to sleep and have a nagging worry in the back of their minds that Santa really did see all those naughty things they'd done all year and hope not to get coal, or worse, nothing! Plus there will be decorations and LOTS of chatter and it'll be a good time. Without the cold weather of northern territory or chilly tiddings from frost bitten hearts. So it's not all bad. Megan, you're welcome to come down. If you even read this, who knows? If you do, let me know, Cordes and I will make arrangements if you'd like to visit using some of those off days you seem to have.
I've also been worried sick about work. About finding a nanny. About a lot of things. Google has contacted me for the last two months wanting me to send my application to see if they've got a job for me. Huge right? I'm terrified of the off chance that I send it in and they DO want me. Weird huh? Where would I find the time? Why can't I just be superMOM and work for a prestigious company like Google without sacrificing the time I have with Riley? Ugh. I've got a nanny lined up to interview and keep avoiding it because *GASP* what if I like her? Then what excuse will I have to stay home with Riley? I want to stay home, I want to work for pay. I want to see everything he does in these early stages because so much is happening so fast. I want a few hours to go to the gym (both times I've taken him to the Y nursery he's not lasted 15 minutes, poor thing) or get a pedicure or grab a coffee from Race Trac and drive around with the windows down blaring my nusic and not worry if the wind or the volume are too much for my tiny passenger. I LOVE him so, I just need a little time. Hell, an uninterrupted shower would be nice even. Or, oh should I dare say, an uninterrupted meal. Wow.
I feel better now. For now. Riley's tummy feels better so he's fallen asleep. Ive talked to Cordes and written some crap here so I feel vented. Maybe I should send off those two emails I've been dredding for no particular reason since they're not life or death or even all that important beyond replying within a polite amount of time. Then I should be off to the Land of Nod. For an hour or two at least.
I hope I can make it until Sunday night. Cordes going out of town makes the hint of depression I've got lurky in the shadows rear its ugly head all too enthusiastically.