from this
to this
1. Take a picture, resize it and crop it.
2. Create a channel mixer layer:
red: +124 -16 -24
green: -8 +112 0
blue: +8 -10 +114
3. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -68 +34 +100 0
cyans:-35 -39 +45 0
whites: -81 -92 +57 0
neutrals: -13 -5 +6 0
4. Set
this texture by
spooky-window to darken.
5. New curves layer:
point 1: 105 129
point 2: 149 176
point 1: 108 111
point 2: 129 146
point 1: 115 115
point 2: 137 124
6. New selective color layer:
reds: -60 +8 +72 0
greens: -40 -40 +44 0
whites: -42 -27 +31 0
neutrals: +21 -5 -7 0
7. Now insert
this texture by
expose42 to screen, and change the opacity like you want.
.psd more examples
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