from this
to this
1. Take your picture, resize it and crop it.
2. Create a selective color layer:
reds: -47 +18 +75 0
yellows: -76 +27 0 0
magentas: +100 0 0 -100
neutrals: +45 -18 -47 0
3. Set
this texture by
candycrack to screen, 60% opacity.
4. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -87 +27 +88 0
yellows: -64 +9 +60 0
cyans: +100 +21 -69 0
neutrals: +6 -13 +6 0
5. Create a brightness/contrast layer:
brightness: +15
contrast: +25
6. Set
this texture to multiply, 52% opacity.
7. Create a new layer and fill it with #EA5A00 color. Then set this layer to color dodge, 20% opacity.
8. Create a new layer and fill it with #EEEEEE. Set this layer to color burn.
9. Create a new channel mixer layer:
red: +118 +10 0
green: 0 +106 0
blue: 0 -14 +118
10. Set
this texture by
lexy to overlay, 40% opacity.
.psd more examples
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