::insert witty subject title here::

Apr 16, 2004 15:15

Okay. So here's another update, on yet another borrowed computer, as my own little devil is still being quite obnoxious. Sense will be beaten into this weekend hopefully... Thanks to elvinborn for letting me sit here while watching various scenes from the 5th season of Stargate.

Vague tirade against BarBri. BarBri offers a bar study course for the twelve weeks before the Georgia bar exam, which I should still be taking, (hopefully?). The entire course costs an amount of just over $2000. Do I have to take this course in order to take the Bar exam? Definitely not. Do I have to take this course if I want to pass the Bar exam? Yeah, pretty much.

So today is the due date for the full payment (the rest of the $2000 I didn't pay two weeks ago...). Now, when I paid the downpayment to reserve my seat in the class, they accepted payment over the phone. Stupid me for assuming they would they would accept full payment over the phone as well. But oh no! Not them. That might be convenient or make sense or something like that. You can either mail your credit card payment in, or fax it. ::grumblegrumblegrumble:: Thanks yet again to elvinborn for the emergency use of her fax machine.

But my credit cards hurt now as I just paid $2000 to torture myself for the summer...

Finally met motsuu at the KL concert Wednesday evening after missing each other for how many concerts?? Hopefully she got some nice, pretty pics that she will share with all of us ::hinthinthint:: ;)

KL was great as always... did my second favorite song, "Fallen Titan", which I love to see performed live. Last band of the evening, this group of 20-year-olds named "Liquid Jungle" was actually not half bad. If they stay together, in about 5 years they are going to be kickass. One guitarist, the one who doubles as the keyboardist, looks just like Ioan Gryffudd, that Welsh actor from Hornblower. Definitely a pretty boy, that one.

Yea, Ren Fest starts tomorrow! Sadly, I won't be there opening weekend, but apparently I have a duel scheduled for 10 minutes before the first Lost Boys show at the Half Wit Harbor Stage on Sunday, April the 25th. After I summarily dispatch my rival I will gather my prize and make off with him like a bandit. ;)

Graduation in three weeks!!!!!


Gacked from beatrizwench

8 fictional characters you'd love to hang out with:
1. Elizabeth Bennett
2. Rois
3. Fox Mulder
4. Pippin Took
5. Jane (from Coupling)
6. Jeff (from Coupling)
7. Anya (from Buffy)
8. Mat Cauthon

7 celebrities you'd invite to dinner:
1. Jon Stewart
2. Robert Jordan
3. Jamie Bamber
4. Jennifer Ehle
5. Billy Boyd
6. Nathan Fillion
7. Richard Coyle

6 things on your desk: (actually, on elvinborn's desk, since I'm at her computer right now)
1. grapefruit peppermint essential oil from Bath and Body Works
2. photos of flowers and stone
3. small notebook
4. chocolate easter egg wrapper
5. pens
6. cordless phone

5 places to visit:
1. the moon
2. India
3. Egypt
4. Australia
5. Middle Earth

4 things you probably don't know about me:
1. I can tie shoelaces into a knot and bow with my toes
2. I hate fish with an unholy and undying passion
3. I don't want a real job
4. I am a morning person

3 things you wish you had right now:
1. my horse back
2. food
3. letters of acceptance to those grad schools I applied to two days ago

2 names you wish were your own:
1. Rhiannon
2. Arianna

1 Day you love the most:
too many days where good things have happened

gacked from jess79

Top 10 Most Influential Books in Your Life

1. The Pussycat Tiger (little golden book that was my favorite)
2. Secret of the Unicorn Queen series (the ones that got me hooked on Fantasy)
3. The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan (first read this when I was in 7th grade and his series have obsessed my since then)
4. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
5. Winter Rose - Patricia McKillip (the main character is me, in so many frightening ways)
6. Daughter of the Forest - Juliette Marillier (I have never cried so much in my life)
7. Halloween Party - Agatha Christie (again the beginning of an obsession)
8. Misty of Chincoteague - Marguerite Henry
9. Persuasion - Jane Austen
10. Edward Shackleton - a biography, but I forget by whom
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