0__0 ...... huh???

Jul 16, 2010 23:34

I watched something on tv that gives me creeps, it was about Westboro Baptist Church. I was so amazed there are PEOPLE like that, even exist so i searched the net to find more info, and these are some of the infos i found..

"Fred Phelps, who set up the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, toldour  undercover reporter about the attacks, which killed 52 people:
 "Oh I am so thankful that happened. My only regret is that they didn't kill about million of them. England deserves that kind of punishment, as does this country (America)

The church, which has 150 followers, recently started picketing funerals including those of American soldiers killed in Iraq, waving banners such as "Thank God 9/11", "God Hates Fags" and "Aids Cures Fags".

"This notorious, unhinged and laughable-but-dangerous bigot managed to attract a few hundred Cro-Magnan followers with his original "ministry," devoted to the non-Biblical teaching that "God hates fags." He has since added to his empire of prejudice with campaigns and websites devoted to other holy causes: JewsKilledJesus, BeastObama, PriestsRapeBoys, AmericasDoomed, and now, GodHatesIreland. You can read about why the Emerald Isle has wound up on the list of the condemned here, not that it's all that different from his central message of hatred that all evil in the world can be directly traced to homosexuals and anyone who preaches acceptance, understanding, or even tolerance"

"According to Phelps, the Catholic Church is a "fag" church, and that a third of Catholic priests are active homosexuals, seducing helpless children and women. His apostles refer to priests as "vampires" and "Draculas" who suck semen out of children's genitals in the way mythical vampires sucked blood from their victims.

As for conservative Pope Benedict XVI, he is "The Godfather of Pedophiles" and the "Pervert Pope." The WBC also opposes any veneration of the Virgin Mary, who was just a "vessel" for the birth of  Jesus Christ "

Islam? The founder of the giant religion, the prophet Mohammed, "was a demon-possessed whoremonger."

Judaism? Well, his "JewsKilledJesus" movement should give you a hint, but at a protest at the National Holocaust Museum, the WBC said: "Whatever righteous cause the Jewish victims of the 1930s-40s Nazi Holocaust had, (probably minuscule) ... it has been drowned in sodomite semen."

Hinduism? Phelps also has found the time to support a GodHatesIndia website, and as for its billions, of followers in the world's largest democracy: "A country full of idolatry inevitably results in a nation full of fags and fag-enablers. Stop going a-whoring after other gods!"



He and his children and grandchildren and other members of his church made those signs. I wish someone give him an anal -_-. Or a gorilla... give him the love big monkey give him the love. I can't believe those two cute innocent little girls wear that kind of shirts. I mean in normal life people will think what the hell is their parents thinking, but hey in this case............. Those are the words from their GOD and you and i will go to  hell for disagreeing with them. Well i don't really care what they say about hell, i just feel sorry for those children what would their future be like? Can they work like normal people? Wont their friends will bully and mock them at school? So sad.

These really gives me creeps. Im gonna read my yaoi now or some shoujo, not sure. Need to read some adorable, sweet love to disinfectant my shocked eyes
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