One of the links in my last post made me wonder. Powerpoint Karaoke? So I checked
this out for you. Everyone hates Powerpoint, the presentation program which makes every topic (and viewers) so dumbed down that it's even supposed to be
responsible for the Columbia shuttle crash. The CIA (ZIA) turns this dull stupidity to be found manyfold on the net into creativer freestyle humour: Participants are given a list of .ppt titles downloaded from the net, with no other idea what they might be about - and do not get to see the slides before the audience does. They have to improvise a presentation from these slides in an original and entertaining way (otherwise they're ousted by the jury).
After Pornaoke (Porno-Karaoke) in Scotland's capitol last year (see the Guardian report on this), this new trend started this year in Germany's capital city (see German news reports in
Jetzt/Süddeutsche or
Spiegel online).
It has been praised as the central element in the new Acc(id)enture-Triathlon:
- Bullshit Bingo
- Powerpoint-Karaoke
- Neologism-Abrev.
If you search for important keywords (Iraq, moleskin, WMD, horticulture) with the ending .ppt you'll soon hava a playlist for a PowerPoint Karaoke on your next party. Please feel free to link to some of the more stupid ppt's you found on the net in your comment's here. :)