May 10, 2012 09:56
I'm in the Bordeaux train station waiting for my ride to Lourdes. LOURDES! So excite. Hoping these two days will bring me a little spritual enlightment, hurr.
Anyway, i wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind for a while about people who are pro same sex marriage. Recently, North Carolina passed a ban on same sex marriages, and celebrities and influential people have taken to twitter to bash the state and their decision. Some of the remarks include 'homophobic', 'backward' and even commenting on the legality for divorce and first cousin marriages.
I do not doubt that North Carolina IS essentially homophobic, and really, the marriage for first cousins and divorce IS something to reconsider. But is this truly such a surprising decision?! I mean, NC isn't exactly LA or NY. It's pretty much old fashion and good old country values over there. In any case, it's so easy to hop over to another state that does support gay marriage and get married over there instead. The dramatics are so entirely unnecessary. It's not as if they live in NC ANYWAY.
But that's not my point. The thing is, i wonder, since WHEN did same sex marriage become the 'right' and 'just' thing, and those against it are all bad and evil and homophobic? Because personally, i do not support same sex marriages. I believe it defeats the purpose of marriage cos the very essence of marriage is to create life and a family, which a gay couple cannot exactly produce naturally. But this does not mean i am homophobic. I mean, some of my close friends are lesbian.
In fact, just because the Catholic church doesn't support same sex marriage, does not mean THEY are homophobic either. The last time i checked, principally, catholics are supposed to love everybody, regardless of their orientation or beliefs. Of course, i'm not saying that all catholics are not homophobic, because some are. I cannot help that. But by right, we are supposed to look beyond these issues and love everyone anyway.
So what i don't understand is that when did it become so wrong for me to say that i do not support gay marriages? Since when did it become a 'wrong' point of view? I have my own beliefs, but by no means am i enforcing it on others, nor do i condemn those who think otherwise. It's very silly to think that those people who fight to have their opinion legal, are the very people who condemn others who don't hold their point of view. And with the influential and popular figures enforcing their say on their followers... Hypocrisy much?
At the end of the day, I would just like to have my opinion respected. Yes, i may not be helping your case at all in your quest to legalise gay marriages, but bashing those who do not believe in it only makes them more annoyed and more intolerant of your cause.
After all, i'm not bashing you for YOUR beliefs. And above all, i offer all the love and respect a friend should have. Question is, can you do that?