Nov 23, 2008 20:22
You know, I used to love flying on airplanes. Until I had to take Qantas. Qantas is so lousy, MY FLIGHT HAS BEEN DELAYED BY THREE AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS. They have robbed me of THREE AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS with my loved ones, and THREE AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS of savouring the last moments I have in Sydney. I have been in the Sydney airport for FOUR AND A HALF HOURS now, just rotting away and saying bye bye to my money because the only thing that I can do that doesn't remind me that I am robbed of THREE AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS of my life is to shop. You really don't want to know how much I have spent so far. Do you know what Qantas gave me in compensation? A $20 food voucher, for my dinner. So my THREE AND A HALF HOURS are just worth $20. I should be getting half my airfare back! At the very least! Hell, I'd even settle for a free flow of krispy kreme. IMBECILES.
Oh, by the way I just found out that my has been further delayed another half hour. Okay, is there some kind of joke going around on 'which airline gets delayed the longest' or something? Because IT'S REALLY NOT FUNNY. FOUR I-AM-SO-CLOSE-TO-SAYING-THE-F-WORDING HOURS!!!!!!!! I am THIS close to flying the damn place myself if no one is going to fly me there.
This past few days have been the worst few days of my life.
And if you didn't get the moral of this story, QANTAS SUCKS.
(Bryan, if you read this I MAY have to postpone our lunch to Tuesday because QANTAS SUCKS AND WON'T LET ME GO HOME!!!!)