Ok, after school, Mike and I went to my house really quick, because I was starving and I needed food. So we get to my house and I grab this snack, (you know those sticks with the cheese?) and Mike wanted one, so I had to go back inside to get one. I told Mike to stay outside while I went and did that because it would only take a few seconds.... but he came in anyway. As he entered the house.... he shut the door. Now, this wasn't any ordinary shutting of the door. He shut the door on my cat's tail. Yeah. He did. Mike thought that she was just sitting there with the closed door on her, so he opened it very slowly so she could run away or whatever, but when he opened the door the tip of the tail just kind of.... you know, fell to the ground. When I saw that, the only thing I could say was "Oh my God." I would try to say something different, but "Oh my God." would come out. So I ran out the door in complete shock and I was trying to find her and when I did, she was acting like NOTHING was wrong whatsoever, she was acting like she had a tail. The bone was sticking out the top too, and of course it was bleeding, and it was sick. Mike was like "Should we call somebody?" It was funny. But I called my mom and she called the vet down by Kash 'N Karry and they told her to bring her down, so we did. They told us to come back at around 5:30, and when we first got there it was 2 something. They had to cut the bone off, and had to wrap the top of her tail, and now we have to give her these pills. Well I'm glad it wasn't that big of a deal, the only thing is.... is she's going to have a shorter tail, and that's nothing. But it was the most INSANE thing I have EVER experienced in my entire life. It was so freaking bizarre.
^ So that all happened on Monday? I believe. Ha, I don't even remember. Yeah, it was Monday. I remember now because the ice cream place is closed on Monday.
Me n Mike also rented Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and that was a messed up movie.
-Today after school me, Mike, Pie, Scott, Joey, Liz, and Kirk all went to Arby's to get some food, and it was very delicious, but I'll tell you one thing.... it doesn't top Subway. :-0
Who remembers Mr. Bill, and Bobby's World?
I sure do.
Yeah, that should refresh your memory.
I Love Mike