Feb 22, 2004 12:01
super21cam: hey emily what is up homeslice
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: nothing much homie dawg skillet
super21cam: we are so white
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: LMAO
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: i know.
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: i know cameron, i know.
super21cam: i know emily, i know but its a good thing
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: is it now?
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: are you racist?@
super21cam: oh no i just dont like rap
super21cam: no racism here fo sho
iRaNiNt0AmAiLb0X: lol good
that humored me.
so I thought it might do the same for you.