((continued from
hereThe thrum of the great engines, the smell of the mako - these things do not escape Sephiroth's notice. But they are, perhaps, of less importance now as he crosses the few remaining steps that separate him from the tube that holds Jenova
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Cloud keeps his distance from Jenova, a bit shamefully, but if The General is having problems-- 'Yeah,' he says, and then winces. 'Yes, Sir.' He backs up further and then heads for the door, drawing his sword. He'll need a moment to ready himself.
Teré keeps clear of Jenova, but doesn't follow Cloud. 'I'm going to go get those feathers,' she tells Sephiroth, and edges around him and his burden. Leaving evidence like that behind messes with her MO, man.
If Jenova's still trying to get into his mind, she'll find it even harder to get into his mind than it was shortly before they somehow ended back in the reactor, as all of his systems are on full-alert now.
As Teré heads up the broad cable toward Jenova's platform, she sees a flash of bright light and hears the sound of the energy-blade slicing across the floor into the doorway. The resulting noise is quite impressive - she turns back to see the door is mostly out of the frame, and Cloud is moving forward to finish the job.
Jenova has tried that, and she can tell, so she relies for now on the call of her cells, in some places only millimeters from his. She is, however, trying to get to Cloud, who has a line of tension down his back as he beats the door out of the frame.
However, the amount of focus he's having to spend means he doesn't exactly have any willpower to spend attracting her interest away from Cloud, so Cloud will have to deal with her call on his own. He will, however, not be going any further until Cloud is out the door just to be on the safe side.
Teré is a-gathering feathers behind, waving Cloud on when he looks back to her. He'll glance to Sephiroth again, and then cross through the door, sweeping the room automatically as he does, before starting down the stairs.
And once Cloud starts moving, Sephiroth will as well, making sure to keep a decent amount of space between himself and Cloud.
Teré follows, pretty sure she has the feathers; her boots skid briefly at one point as she carefully walks down the cable, sending her heart into her throat, but she catches herself and then makes an annoyed sound and continues on her way.
A few stray glimpses of what he's planning might be leaking across to Jenova at this point considering how close they are physically right now.
Teré follows Sephiroth, frowning, seeing if she can recall any spell to help. She can't cast anything to decrease her weight or float her. Would Sleep work on a space alien virus thingy?
Considering that viruses don't exactly need to sleep? Probably not too well.
Cloud isn't finding any sign of trouble, and is already ahead opening the next door, intending to check the area. Teré is following Sephiroth, skirting the drops and puddles of mako on the floor.
And Sephiroth is quite glad there doesn't seem to be any trouble brewing, as if there were he'd likely have to sit it out, or set down Jenova and he wasn't willing to let Jenova out of his sight at the moment.
Cloud reappears at the door of the reactor, signaling an all-clear. He pauses, to look his General over almost-casually.
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