Dec 11, 2004 18:30
Holy shit! lol Long time no post, huh?! I don't even know where to start since it's been so long.
Well, let's begin with the last thing you guys read. My '91 Camaro RS is gone for good. The junk yard guys came and towed it the other day. (Yes, it's been sitting in my driveway for over a month.) So now I'm left with a black '80 Camaro. I absolutely hate the thing.. but a lot of my friends prefer it over my '91 RS, which shocks me. But oh well. Lol
My 17th birthday was great. I didn't do anything big, just had some friends over. Katie and Jenna even made me a cake, which tasted great, by the way! So that was awesome, lol. Shelby and Mike bought me a game (I have no idea what it's called), but it has small, round base, and coming off of the base is four handles. The handles have a button on them, and when the flashing RED light turns GREEN (the light is located on the "base" of the game), you have to push the button on the handle. And if you're the last person to push the button, you get shocked.'s not a devastatingly painful shock, but I am honestly surprised that the game is legal. Well boys will be boys. So Mike, me, and Blake stuck the handles on our balls and shocked the hell out of ourselves. ..that was honestly the most painful thing I've ever done. But the game is insanely fun, so thank you Mike and Shelby!
I get my driver's license back on Monday, December 13th. For those of you who don't know, my license got suspended on October 19th for having too many speeding tickets. Well WHILE it was suspended, I was driving and got in the car accident. So I had to go to court, which was yesterday. The judge was the Governor of Minnesota's wife. She was great. She "dismissed" three of my four charges, and only pushed an Innattentive Driving ticket on me. So I had to pay 80 dollars, and I'm on 6 months driving probation. That means that I am allowed to drive, but if I get pulled over at all during the next six months, I go right to jail.. which sucks.
School is going pretty good actually. My grades are doing good this tri (first tri they were horrible). My favorite thing about S.E.S. (my school) is that it's like a home. I mean, it really hit me the other day when I was looking around, and a lot of people are wearing their pajamas, and people have beds made on the floor (lol), people are walking around with blankets wrapped around them.. Christmas lights hanging everywhere.. just, it's nice.
I've been playing the drums like crazy lately. No reason imparticular.. just jammin. It's fun when friends come over and play their instruments and we can play songs and shit.
Well anyway, my name is Kevin MacLennan. I am 17 years old. What else do you guys and gals want me to update about? Anything? PLEASE COMMENT! (And to the person who commented in my last post, what's your name, please?)