Title: The New Boy
ira_luxuriaPairing: Frank x Gerard; Bob x Ray; Mikey x Connor (OMC)
Rating: Pg 13 - R
Summary: See title
Pov: First
Dedications: For
comeththegirl and
silveremmie for being such avid readers and all the commenters. It helps a lot
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Comments 20
this was hott. holy fuck. you know i'm a huge fan of handcuffs, and they had an audience and of course frank being called "little frankie" and "bitch" was just as hott as i don't know what.
i can't wait to see where you take this plan, and their feelings for each other. i have a feeling that a lot of rules are gonna get broken! this story is awsome! and so is your writing, and so are you!
I love handcuffs I'm also a bit voyeurish at times hence why it's in this chapter xD
Yes rules will be broken. And I'll enjoy breaking them too xD
And thanks for all the compliments too
I'm glad you liked it.
i'm so glad we share a handcuff fetish in common. it makes the sex in your fics very exciting. XD
oh man, nothing better than rule breaking. and in many cases, hopefully gerard and frank's spanking for their rule breaking (i'm in one of my very strange moods, that i get awsome)
your welcome, you worked for them, you deserved such compliments XD
I suppose it does when I think about it.
Now that you mention it I may have some spanking xD
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