Title: Sitting In The Car With The Radio Turned To Static
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 054. Drive
Word Count: 800
Rating: G.
Summary: He just wishes it would be over with.
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in
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Woah, poor Alexia, she must be scared. Was the Great Depression 1837 or '38? Gerard should totally leave his job in 11/12 years and go gold searching =P
=] It really is it. I can't wait for the next one!
Gold searching?
Ah I'm using the 1929 one cause it's like 1935 ish in the fics. Which y'all find out in a few parts to come.
Ohh, well I realise that now! I'm just slow =] They didn't even have railways in america during that depression, so why would they have cars? =/ stupid Sam! keep up!
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