Title: Carpe Diem
ira_luxuriaPairing: Eventually Frank x Gerard; Mikey x Connor (OMC); Ray x Bob
Word Count:
Rating: G.
Summary: It’s been ten years since Gerard last saw Frank and he’s been trying to keep his slightly crumbling life together for his own sanity
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media
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damnit!! of all the places to leave this chapter!! it was perfect. perfectly cruel!! oh man. oh man. god. this is so amazing. i'm so glad i mentioned this idea to you!! oh man, excellent fucking job! i love it. wow.
so poor gerard. god. my heart broke when he didn't understand why he was reacting so strongly. he kept on thinking about what could possibly cause him to throw up and have a panic attack and just flip out like that over hearing about frank. and he doesn't realize he does give a shit. he has emotion, its just he hasn't acknowledged them because he hasn't had to before now. but at this point his emotions are so fucking strong that he has to listen to them. frank was his everything. and now that he knows where his everything is, the shock of that, is finally drawing emotion out. its his breaking point. and he's starting to finally feel. now he has to gain momentum. he needs to keep on feeling. this is just a starter. he needs to keep this going. wow. i felt so bad that he is so emotionally detatched that he can't even remember what heartbreak is. wow.
Being in Greystone without reason could mess a person up, not more than he was after everything that he had been through
do you mean frank? because it seems like gerard is denying the idea of frank being there with a reason. like the idea that his former lover is there with a reason. is that right?
Did God just want to ruin both of their lives purely for kicks? Gerard thought so.
yeah, basically. shit. life has a sick and twisted sense of humor for these two. i mean, he's a sex crime detective, and frank is a mental patient for what could be sex crimes. one was raped the other was molested repeatedly as a child. fuck. whatever the fuck is up there has a sick and twisted sense of humor!! god damn
Yes. Gerard Way, 28 years old, still liked The X-Men.
When Gerard had first seen him he’d wanted to laugh hysterically at him; now Gerard had the utmost respect for their balding captain.
*snorts* oh man, those parts made me laugh. wow. you have built up the tension again!! oh man, you have to write more soon! i need this tension relieved! i want to know if frank remembers gerard. what is his mental state exactly? what will his initial reaction be? what did he do exactly? oh man, more. now!! can't wait for more!
i'm definitly gonna check out what you wrote while i didn't have internet. *rolls eyes* i hate not having internet.
looking forward to more. i hope there's more up!!
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