Title: “Faster. Faster. GeeGee.”
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 092. Speed.
Word Count: 677
Rating: G.
Summary: “I’ve always wanted to do that. Maybe we could try it sometime.”
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in England during the 1930s-1940s. Dates and history may be off. Apologies.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media personalities, are entirely fictional. Any offence caused by their use or portrayal is wholly unintentional.
Dedications: The girl
faithfulriver26. The guy
silencing_sam. The wife
comeththegirl. Cheers loves.
Link To Table:
My Table ”Faster. Faster. GeeGee.”
Frank is up on deck and for the first day since the beginning of the voyage it’s his own deck, he’s leaning over the rail looking down at the deck below, a cigarette in hand, blowing the smoke out into the wind watching it struggle for a millisecond before giving up the fight and allowing nature to take it’s course much like he wished his parents would allow him to do. He enjoys spending his supposedly precious time looking at the people who live their own lives instead of living the life of everyone else wants them to live. Don’t get him wrong he loves his parents and he loves the money he has otherwise he’d never be able to buy what he wanted to buy, the money is the only freedom he gets but according to his mother he gets to pick his very own slave to do with what he wished and from when he had opened the letter he had found shoved in the bottom of his suitcase he had wished that Gerard would be one of the slaves his mother had paid for and his father have given a ticket to be a passenger on the very same ship he was currently on. Sailing home.
Since the train journey Frank hadn’t been able to get Gerard out of his head, it’s like the mere image of that man has been burned into his mind and on his eyelids in a repetitive loop. Gerard is the first thing he thinks of in the morning when he wakes up to the very last thing he thinks of at night before he goes to sleep. In the beginning he had wanted him gone but he’d swiftly changed his mind after that kiss. Snapping himself out of it he looked down again laughing to himself when a grown man ran past with a little girl on his shoulders. Her joyful cries of “Faster. Faster. GeeGee,” drilling into his head.
“GeeGee” turned and Frank felt his smile widen. Gerard was running up and down half the deck with the little girl, obeying her every wish with a bright smile, not showing any pain from where she used his shoulder length hair as a pair of reins. That was what he wished his father had done to him as a child instead his father rarely spoke to him and never showed him any affection. Frank figured that it was his father’s fear of ridicule if he showed emotion and Frank used his lack of a father figure as his excuse as to why he had a large penchant for men. Large to the point that he spent all his time with them and his blatant refusal to touch any female other than his mother.
Frank laughed again as he watched them loving how carefree Gerard appeared when he was enjoying himself. He finished his cigarette and flicked it over the railing and into the ocean before he made his way down the nearest flight of stairs to the lower deck passing other passengers who stared at him strangely as if to ask “What are you doing down here?” His sights were set on Gerard and various parts of his anatomy. His fingers itched either for another smoke or to touch Gerard again and he briefly hoped that it was for the cigarette. He didn’t want to get any more attached when it couldn’t work out, they would be docking in less than two days; he’d be home but he’d be without Gerard. He would just have to get over him.
Hiding in the shadows under the top deck he waits for Gerard to pass without the little girl, when he does Frank grabs his wrist and yanks him into the shadows their lips colliding almost immediately. He feels Gerard sigh against his skin and he pulls away resting his forehead against Gerard’s.
“Frank.” Gerard sighs out.
“I’ve always wanted to do that. Maybe we could try it sometime.” Frank smiles before strolling off Gerard’s deep laughter floating after him.
Thanks for reading. Usual apply.