Title: Will You Help Or Will I Just Keep Sinking?
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 048. Drown.
Word Count: 575
Rating: G.
Summary: “I’ve always wanted to know… what it’d be like.”
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in England during the 1930s-1940s. Dates and history may be off. Apologies.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media personalities, are entirely fictional. Any offence caused by their use or portrayal is wholly unintentional.
Dedications: The girl
faithfulriver26. The guy
silencing_sam. The wife
comeththegirl. Cheers loves.
Link To Table:
My Table Will You Help Or Will I Just Keep Sinking?
The crash of the waves are soothing as the bow of the ship cuts through the deep blue water like a knife through butter - soft, quick and easy. Frank is leaning against the railing on the second-class deck looking over and down into the ocean wondering how it was created and wondering what the water below would feel like against his hot clammy skin. The bow tie around his neck is too tight, the crisp white shirt suffocating him crushing his chest and he just wants to breathe, to live, to be free but of course freedom does not come cheap if it comes at all. His fingers begin to numb in the cold night air but he ignores them and instead pulls out the silver cigarette case from one of his topcoat pockets, extracting one he places it between his lips but pauses before he lights it.
His parents are always having a go at him for smoking telling him that it’s a filthy habit and only peasants and riff raff and all manner of despicable beings lower than himself smoke and that he shouldn’t degrade himself or the family name. Smirking to himself he gets a match out and goes to light, again he pauses this time thinking of the man from the train, this ‘G’ and the two pieces of art that he has got, the second was left under his boot the first day of the voyage and at first glance it appeared to be the same as the first but when he looked closer there was a pencil in his hand and he had smiled slightly and began looking for ‘G’ to no avail.
Slight drops of water hit his face and he cannot be bothered to decide whether it is the sea or if it’s about to begin raining. Shaking his head he lights the match, cupping the flame to keep it from blowing out, he lights his cigarette taking in the first drag before flicking the match over the railing and into the ocean, straining to hear the inevitable singe of it going out. He continues to look out over the vast ocean undisturbed at least until a small boy no older than seven or eight tugged on his sleeve. Second or maybe third class if the clothes indicated anything, smiling Frank squatted down to the boys level.
“What can I help you with?” He keeps his voice cheerful as the boy shifts in front of him.
“This is for you.” The boy squeaks and thrusts a piece of paper at him. His hazel eyes widen as he unfolds it finding a sketch of him looking out at the ocean. The signature ‘G’ is in the lower right corner as before but this time it is different, there is a phrase scrawled in neat handwriting along the bottom of the page.
“I’ve always wanted to know… what it’d be like.” He must have asked what what would be like because the boy answered him.
“To drown.” Frank looks up and around for the man on the train, a retreating back with longish hair and a folder of something under their arm is all he sees. He looks down at the boy and thanks him by dropping some small change in his palm and walks away to his stateroom unaware that the man he has been looking for has been watching him and is only a few decks below.
Thanks for reading. Usual apply.