Title: Why Don’t We Sail Away On Our Ship Of Dreams?
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 005. Cruise
Word Count: 1,139
Rating: G.
Summary: “Names Bert. These fuckers over here are…”
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in
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this is interesting, I really want to see where you're taking this. I've read a few fics set in the early 1900's, but I don't like them all that much. This, however has kept my interest and left me wanting more. Lucky for me, I have two more chapter's to read =]
On other news, I explain to Nate last night about me reading [and sometimes writing] fanfiction. He wasn't that bothered and laughed when I told him what really made me late for our first date. He blames me for getting us punched as I made us late... =/
He wants to read some of your stuff, so you may get a comment from him from time to time =]
You explained to Nate and he blames you if anyone is to blame it's me. Lol it's my fault.
Wow Nate has an account. Groovy.
He was joking I think =/ But he wants to read what made me late, so I guess it's good =]
He doesn't, he'll probably just use mine, until I convince him to get one =P If he likes slash that is ;]
Lol! Convince him to get one whether he likes slash or not
I'll see what I can do xd
can I friend you, I've been meaning to ask for a while now?
You don't have to ask. Man.
Everyone else seems to ask, so I though it would be rude if I didn't.
To be completely honest I don't care who adds me I've got like almsot 300 people on msn and I talk to about 6 lol
Me too, I don't tend to appear online either, when I'm on
I can be so fucking cruel.
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