Title: The New Boy
ira_luxuriaPairing: Frank x Gerard; Bob x Ray; Mikey x Connor (OMC)
Rating: Pg 13 - R
Summary: See title
Pov: First
Dedications: For
faithfulriver26 and
silencing_sam for being such avid readers and all the commenters. It helps a lot
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i would curse like there is no tomorrow, but that wouldn't do this story justice. i would rant about the unfairness of it all, but there are just too many words involved.
so let me just say, i felt a physical pain in my chest reading this. fuck, i've been on edge all week, probably longer, and this had me so fucking close to tears, one other fic brought me this close.
wow. i think i'm in shock. and the attack of frank's father wasn't the worst part, neither was frank leaving gerard. i mean, it was all heartbreaking, but the part that was the worst to read, that was the hardest to take in was:
He was his father now no question about it.
i. . .there are no words to describe how hard it was to read that, to comprehend the gravity of those words. i could rant for over a page about what happened here. i'm very tempted to. i mean, first the attack just made everything hit home. i mean, gerard finally got a taste of what frank's life was like. and frank was finally pushed over the edge, that attack is what fucked him up the most, since it was in front of someone he loved so god damned much. and it scared him into leaving gerard. frank is so scared and that is the worst part. that fear of being his father, and inability to talk about what happened because that might make it all the more real, the hurt and anger and hatred you know is bottled up in frank. he had to leave, he has no self esteem and he would never be able to believe that he deserved love. and until he believed he deserved it, he would never be able to truly love gerard and be loved in return, completely and unconditionally. as corny as that sounds its true. and its such a problem because fear causes this to happen so fucking often.
i can only imagine how hard this was for you to write. wow, this was so amazing. i love this story, and it is defintitly going into my memories. i really love the way this ends. i mean, i hate it because i want them to be happy, and yet its, sadly, a very realistic ending.
and that epilogue!!! shit girl! that last line, fuck, you don't leave someone like me just hanging like that!! you know what i'll do? i'll think about it and think about it, wondering what it means, coming up with lots of scenerios and trying to figure out how they met again, who saw who first, what are the circumstances, what are the first reactions to each other? and a million other things. wow, i mean, i would love a sequel, don't get me wrong, if you write one i will jump for joy. and yet, this ending is so perfect in such a fucked up way. it ended the way these stories all too often end in real life. and its so sad, but so fucking powerful. i love this.
though i am gonna assume that if you write a sequel it will end just as heartwrenchingly. either way, i love this story, and if you continue that would rock, and if you don't, this has been an amazing story to follow and i am so glad you decided to share it with all of us, especially me, because i adored it!
Mkay this may not be coherant I just woke up.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you almost cry.
You know how I always say that is something that I need to put in to make the plot go on when I wrote this I didn't really have a plot to go on with I just sat here and let the words flow on to the paper I didn't even think about how it could be interpreted by another person and I'm so fucking happy that you interpreted the way you did. Why? Because if I do write a sequel everything that your comment said will be included. Feel free to come up with different situations I'd love to hear them honestly. It was hard to write in fact it was hard to read but I just felt that I needed it finished and fast. I know that sounds stupid but I couldn't continue writing it. In most stories that you see it's a happy ending but I couldn't give this one a happy ending cause fuck knows it wasn't a happy story.
Thank you Mara. I appreciate every comment you have said.
its alright, crying just proves i have emotion, i figure that's a good thing.
wow, the flow really does show, it really created a finish that blew my mind, and had me screaming both at the computer and for more! i'm so glad you like my interpretation, we seem to really think alike :D oh man, if you do write a sequel, it will be so fucking intense. i mean, everything i mentioned aren't exactly happy things so the possible sequel would be insanely amazing and hard to read.
i think the first situation that popped into my head was them as adults. Gerard after what happened to him works as a detective for an SVU unit. Frank is well, his father. Gerard works a case that leads to Frank. horribly sad, there probably wouldn't be a good ending, but it seemed realistic to me. some people respond well to being part of something so horrible, which would lead to gerard trying to stop what happened to frank from happening to others by working as a detective for a special victims unit. and well, as it stated before, frank has become his father.
or gerard works as a prosecuter for frank's case and gets frank off on lighter charges because of his past.
anyway, that is my first thoughts on the situation, others include frank on the streets and gerard working, when their lives cross again. so general drug use, abuse, etc would be included
it doesn't sound stupid. i understand. something like that happens fast and the intial reation happens just as fast. pushing those who love frank away was not something that happened slowly that built up, it was an immediate defensive action. it had to happen that way. yeah, a happy ending, though wanted, wouldn't seem realistic or make much sense in this story.
it was a good finish
your welcome, i have absolutly loved this story
and thank you alice for all the comments we've made back and forth, i've really enjoyed discussing your story with you.
Thank you and I've enjoyed discussing it with you too.
and the other is gerard has a family and kids, and well, frank is hanging around too much, and gerard catches on to what is going on.
oh god, that would be a tough one to write.
anyway, i'm glad you liked my SVU idea, it just popped into my head when i saw the word sequel
anyway, feel free to use any of my ideas if you want!
your welcome and i'm so glad!
All your ideas are awesome but I'll let you in on a secret.
I was thinking that Frank's got a new 'lover' and Gerard is working at a local choclate shop (Don't ask I've been watching Chocolat) then eerything just leads from there but to be honest I like your SVU idea I might do that one.
and i love that movie.
hmm, i like your idea too!
well either way, i'm really looking forward to whatever you write.
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