Trial and Error Fic.

May 16, 2007 15:39

Title: Trial and Error fic
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Word Count: 1,005
Rating: G.
Summary: Goodbyes and awkward Hellos at the station.
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in England during the 1930s-1940s. Dates and history may be off. Apologies.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this work of fiction. I own my own words.

His belongings are packed safely away in his old black suitcase ready for where he’s headed - Clothes, underwear, shoes, toothbrush, and comb, plus all the essentials needed for a long trip. The typical British weather looms overhead as his mother chauffeurs him to London Victoria Station in the neighbours automobile - borrowed purely for this purpose, Mikey his three years younger brother sits beside him making awkward conversation to try to lighten the mood that seems to be as dull and depressing as the outside sky. His mother tuts at her two sons - one fragile and withdrawn the other fragile and out there - but Gerard isn’t sure which category he fits into and decides that he is the fragile and withdrawn son, not quite ready to take on the world but having it thrust upon him for being the first born.

Their quaint country scenery melts into dank suburban towns before dissipating and morphing into Central London, Gerard has never liked London after being forced from New Jersey his hometown after his brother was born, it was a lot less expensive than living in America although he never understood why considering the fact that Jersey was crime-ridden, damp, dirty everything that he’s been missing since.

Central London is bustling with people, market men and women sell their produce on the streets, the shops are filled to the brim with smartly dressed men and women in long scarlet gowns, some with black, some with blue all depending on the colour their husbands pick out. Rich men and women. He does not know why the women allow their husbands to control their every move after all they are their own person but it is not for him to nose about in as his mother would say.

“Keep yourself to yourself, Gerard. Can’t do no wrong if you keep yourself to yourself.”

To this day Gerard has held to his mother’s words, locking himself away where it is necessary, keeping his distance from the people around him sometimes even his own flesh and blood, wanting to be alone more than anything in the world during the time of The Great Depression as the local papers were printing and as he passed through the city streets he could hear the tenders yelling.

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Farming hit by Great Depression!”

Gerard shook his head sadly; no one would survive he thought. As they slowed to a stop Gerard wished his father were still with them, maybe he could talk his mother out of sending him away. He didn’t want to leave his family, the safety of familiarity; he wanted to stay with his brother so he could see him grow up to become a man maybe become one of those gentlemen he sees so very often. But he could wish and wish, he was still leaving.

Stepping out after his mother she waited patiently for his brother to follow before he collected his things from the back of the automobile, not even finished his mother began to sob quietly as she waited, his brother was oddly quiet and he could swear he saw tears in his brothers hazel-green eyes. Dropping his belongings he enveloped both his mother and brother in a tight hug, keeping them as close as physically possible, breathing in their odd but completely homey smell deeply committing it to memory.

Pulling away he kisses his mother on the cheek, his brother on the forehead - not wanting to bring any more unneeded attention to their broken family - he whispers his goodbyes and his ‘I love you’s before picking his things up and walking away sadly, leaving behind the only family he has ever known. He knows he shouldn’t look back it’ll only be harder if he looks back but he still does, looking at his mother and brother until they are completely obscured by the hustle and bustle of the Londoners. He is pushed and shoved by the townsfolk before he regains his footing and makes his way to the eastern platform pushing past people with muttered ‘excuse me’s and ‘pardon me’s and enthusiastic ‘oh I’m so sorry’s each time he trod on a person’s foot.

The steam engine or ‘passenger train’ as it had been dubbed loomed above his five foot 8 frame as he walked briskly towards the carriages. The porters tried to take his luggage from him but he refused to let them take it - it was his. Roughly he was shoved through a door just as he heard a whistle sound behind him, and felt the train start to move panicking he began moving down the carriage looking into each unavailable compartment with disappointment until he came across one with only one occupant. A rich occupant it seemed if Gerard judged by the expensive suit the man was wearing.

Upon entering Gerard coughed nervously, his eyes cast downward as he spoke quietly. “Excuse me sir. Do you mind if I sit in here? There are no other available areas.” His eyes cast down like his mother had always taught him.

”Never look at anyone at a higher station than you Gerard. It causes more trouble than it’s worth.”

The other man looked up when he heard a quiet cough, his hazel eyes fell on the other mans ragged clothes, beaten suitcase and straggly hair and automatically dubbed him lower than himself although it was surprising at how well spoken he was given the fact that peasants and riff raff spoke in mono syllables and foul words that no woman should ever hear let alone utter. Frank blinked at the awkwardly shifting man before replying in a pompous and completely horrific tone.

“Of course.” At that moment in time, Frank cursed his parents and his upbringing, from how the other man sat carefully and kept his eyes down Frank could tell that this would be a long journey.

Currently just a trial and error fic. If the claim gets accepted it may continue.

Thanks for reading. Usual apply.


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