Title: The New Boy
ira_luxuriaPairing: Frank x Gerard; Bob x Ray; Mikey x Connor (OMC)
Rating: Pg 13 - R
Summary: See title
Pov: First
Dedications: For
faithfulriver26 and
silencing_sam for being such avid readers and all the commenters. It helps a lot.
Disclaimer: Fake but the plot is cliché I suppose and Connor, Andrew and William are mine.
Authors Note: I realise that you can’t actually get tattoos at 16 but hey it’s fiction right? Gerard is 17 Mikey is the same age as Frank although they are three years apart in real life but it’s fiction. Banner Credit: THIS AWESOME COMMUNITY. Mr Todd is a real person who teaches history at my new school. Ms Otero is a real person at my old school who did indeed teach geography and Spanish and did indeed insult the students in Spanish unaware that four of us in the class could translate it, she also did indeed not teach us anything geographical hence why I failed XD. She enjoyed calling us names XD. Club name credit: Either somewhere I’ve forgotten or wikipedia.org for the article on Aphrodite AND the new fic I’m planning.
WARNING: Over use of italics
Authors Note: I own my own words.
Eleven Part One//
Eleven Part Two//
WARNING: Over use of italics.
Authors note: I own my own words.
The bitter morning air would prove that November First would not bring any better weather than that of October, birds twittered outside the window as the morning light filtered brightly through the glass casting small shadows on the room, the miniature strip of fabric that worked as a curtain fluttered lightly from the tiny draft that escaped into the warmth from outside. It was to this setting that Gerard awoke, a still sleeping Frank pressed tightly against him, his arms wrapped around the boys waist and his nose buried in Frank’s hair so when he inhaled a strong scent of berries permeated his senses. Remembering the previous night Gerard smiled and pulled Frank closer to him; there was a difference now Gerard felt it, felt the smooth transition from friends with benefits to unofficial couple but what would happen next?
Gerard felt Frank stir in his arms and he moved them away from Frank’s naked form at least until Frank’s tattooed hands wrapped them tighter around his waist and then ceased all movement still hanging onto Gerard’s hands. With no where to go Gerard settled back onto the mattress staring at the back of Frank’s head or the wall beside his head; Frank shifted and rolled over his hazel eyes wide open and one hand splayed open on Gerard’s back the other threading through Gerard’s hair pulling him in for a kiss, Gerard’s mouth opened on contact Frank’s tongue slipping in to tangle with Gerard’s for seconds that felt like hours. Soon Frank pulled away, his cheeks burning red as he blushed and mentally scolded himself, it wasn’t his birthday anymore he had no right to Gerard but could what he’d heard late last night whispered to the silence of the room be true? He tingled all over as he hoped, he needed to know if it was true but he couldn’t bring himself to ask not after last night.
‘Last night,’ Frank smiled as he got out of bed half-crawling over Gerard to do so, ignoring the fact that he was naked he strolled over to find his clothes absently scratching various places before dressing and turning to Gerard, his eyebrow raised in question when he saw Gerard’s pose, one pale leg was on top of the rumpled sheets, the other propped up under the covers one arm propping his head up as he looked in Frank’s direction. Frank smirked as he walked to Gerard, his bony hips swaying.
“Mr Way, were you staring at my ass?” He said as he stopped in front of Gerard, his hip cocked a hand resting on it.
“Depends. Would I get a present if I said yes?” Gerard replied as he shifted to his knees, his long fingers attaching to the buckle of Frank’s luminous pink belt - that he pulled from under a pile of stuff - that really didn’t have a use using it to pull Frank to him, their lips connecting again momentarily before Frank pulled away again.
“Gerard?” Gerard looked at him, a perfect eyebrow arched in question. “We’re not in school.”
”I know,” Frank frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.
“Then why - “ Gerard cut him off with a sweet kiss.
“Because I want to,” then Gerard stood awkwardly and began yanking his jeans on followed by his t-shirt then he grinned at Frank’s confusion as he looked around the room, it seemed a lot like his back at the school. Moments passed in comfortable silence as Frank packed his precious guitar and mini-amp up - there was no way in hell he was leaving her here - and a few other bits and pieces nothing but the essentials.
“Frank?” Frank looked up from his packing at his name, that voice shouldn’t be here it should be in South America. His blood ran cold when he heard his name again, shivering he picked up his things and grabbed Gerard’s hand.
“We need to go.”
“Now.” Frank then began pushing Gerard to his second window the one above the garage, hissing “quietly” at him as he stepped through the window behind him. Standing on the roof of the garage Frank began panicking as he tried desperately to remember how he got down and past the house to the street all those times he snuck out for a quick fuck. Gerard stood there on the roof of God knows what watching Frank panic over God knows what.
“This way,” Frank mumbled as he passed Gerard climbing down the side Gerard followed suit landing softly beside Frank wiping his hands on his jeans and ignoring the tingle he felt when Frank grabbed his hand and proceeded to pull him along the side of the house, Frank checking every five seconds for footsteps or any noise. Pausing Frank turned to Gerard.
“Gee I need you to take this stuff for me and come out walking half a minute after me okay?” Gerard merely nodded confused as to what was happening only watched as Frank practically sprinted past the house sticking close to the bush from next door. Gerard began to walk slowly when Frank signalled to him, sticking to the path that led around the next house to the street as if he’d come from there, walking nonchalantly in the direction of Frank and school and salvation from whatever the hell Frank was so scared of. When he reached the street Frank was half way down the road motioning for Gerard to hurry up who picked up his pace but not fast enough to be guilty. When he finally reached Frank he was about to ask what the fuck was going on but Frank shushed him and began dragging him towards the school. The school gates loomed above them as they approached the small side gate Frank still dragging Gerard and he didn’t stop until they were in their dorm room, which surprisingly had been cleaned why they were away. Frank dumped his stuff and proceeded to pace in front of Gerard oblivious to the worried look on his face, his arms hugging himself.
Gerard was confused and worried, Frank was acting weirdly - weirder than normal - pacing back and forth. Gerard stood behind Frank so that when he turned he’d walk into Gerard; Gerard grabbed Frank’s arms when he walked into him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What you going to do? Hit me if I don’t tell you?” Horrified Gerard released Frank like he’d been burnt and stepped back.
Gerard shook his head. “What the hell was that back there at your house? One minute we’re cosy and the next you’re shoving me out a window.”
“It’s none of your business.”
“Yes it is.” Gerard replied.
“I said it’s none of your fucking business!”
Both boys were getting angry but for different reasons entirely. Frank’s breathing was erratic and he was sure that if he had asthma he’d be having an attack right this second.
“Yes it is my business.”
"Why is your business? What ‘cause you ‘love me’ it automatically gives you free rein to control me and to but in where things don’t concern you? It’s none of your god damn fucking business!” Frank exploded, years of pent up anger finally being released but he doesn’t comprehend who he’s having a got at merely something to vent his anger at.
“Fine,” Gerard nodded as he collected his art supplies. “It doesn’t concern me, I get it. But bare this in mind I told you everything that was important to me. Some of the details I never even told Mikey - my own flesh and fucking blood - and I told you. I don’t think I’ve ever made a more stupid fucking mistake.” Bitter. That’s all Gerard thinks as he brushes past a distraught but otherwise unconcerned Frank on his way out of his room. No - not his - their room. Instead of heading to the rock behind Frank’s house - he doesn’t want to be faced with the memories of one of the most pleasing and comforting nights of his life - so he climbed the stairs to the top not stopping until the cold, brutal fresh air hit him in the face. Unceremoniously he dumped his art supplies on the dusty roof beside the easel Principal Jeffery’s had bolted to the roof just for him to stop him from either jumping or doing something equally as stupid when he found out about his parents.
The air stirred angrily around him as he paced much too close to the edge than necessary or was advisable, any other person may have jumped over the edge but Gerard wasn’t any other person. He wasn’t the type to try and kill himself over something as stupid as a fight. But no matter how bitter he had been Frank needed to come to terms with the fact that Gerard and him were technically dating and therefore he needed to be able to trust Gerard. But no, Gerard reasoned, no matter what they shared, no matter what happened Frank wouldn’t be able to trust anyone and Gerard highly doubted that he even trusted himself.
Several floors below Frank sat on Gerard’s bed inhaling deeply with his head in his hands. God. ‘I’ve probably just fucked up the best thing that’s ever happened to me and why? Because I’m pussy-whipped. I’m a fucking coward, moron everything degrading under the fucking sun.’ His constant internal battles were proving to be nothing but a way for him to make himself feel more guiltier than before.
Randomly Frank shouted “Coward!” at the empty room and he wasn’t sure if he meant himself, Gerard, or that sick man he called “Dad.” Frank really hoped it was himself; standing Frank shook himself before leaving, practically attacking the first person he finds.
“Where’s Gerard?” He demands from a little weed of a boy who is obviously shocked at being accosted randomly but a strange looking little guy with wide eyes.
“T - try the r - roof,” the boy stutters out before being released. Frank panics inside at the boys words, surely Gerard wouldn’t do something that stupid over a little disagreement. ‘Little disagreement? You stupid asshole! For all you know he’s lying dead of ready to fucking jump! Get your scrawny ass up there!’ For once, Frank didn’t tell himself to shut up and go in the opposite direction, his feet took him up the stairs oblivious to the surroundings and the fact that he’s tripping up the stairs in his haste to get to Gerard. Small snippets of Latin falling from his lips as he runs; before long the cold November air hits him in the face his cheeks automatically reddening upon contact. He looks up from his feet to find Gerard sitting near the edge of the roof, his legs no doubt crossed Indian style.
“Gerard?” Frank calls out experimentally watching Gerard carefully in case he decided to jump. He however just sat staring.
“Just go away Frank,” Gerard replied when the wind died down. “Just go away.”
Frank shook his head despite the fact that Gerard’s couldn’t see him, warily he walked over to Gerard, and kneeling behind him he wrapped his arms around Gerard’s waist and put his forehead on Gerard’s back. “I’m sorry Gee.”
Gerard moved Frank’s arms and stood. “You, you’re no better than Tyler or anyone else for that matter. I told you everything, I gave you everything and this is how you repay me? You could have been beaten black and blue by Tyler because I denied him access to your ‘tight little ass’”. Gerard used finger quotes before continuing. “You know, without me you’d be in hospital with worse injuries than what you gave to Tyler - which by the way he’s going to get payback for - and I’m the one whose going to be on the receiving end of that because I know what he does, you don’t and stupidly I can’t let you go through that.”
Frank watched as Gerard suddenly sunk to his knees, defeated, without thinking Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard enclosing him in warmth and comfort.
“It messes you up Frank,” Gerard’s fingers began moving softly over Frank’s clothes. “It messes you up here,” he whispered letting his fingers brush against Frank’s temple. “And it messes you up even more here,” Gerard’s fingers spread out over Frank’s rapidly breaking heart. “You’ll never trust again, you’ll never love again. You’ll never have your life back. You’ll always have this fear that will take you over like that other person you become. You’ll never be you again. The experience will take you over and over again, you’ll relive it every single night.” By now Frank’s own tears were melting into Gerard’s hair as Gerard’s melted into his shirt.
“I know Gee, I know.”
“I’m so messed up Frankie.”
Thanks for reading. Comments and criticism are love.