Chat today about new JBoss strategy (26 April at 1700 UTC) on #108

Apr 26, 2007 06:07

This week, Red Hat announced an updated strategy for JBoss around community interaction and the future development direction of JBoss middleware/SOA components. I think this is interesting for people inside and outside of Java communities, and its a direction I'm really happy to see.

Today at 1700 UTC (1300 EDT), I'll be assisting in the background on a chat with Sacha Labourey, CTO of JBoss, a division of Red Hat. Moderating the chat is the product manager, Shaun Connolly. The chat is on #108 on, and we'll be taking questions in #108-questions, then feeding those back to the main (moderated) channel. How-to pointers for the IRC-impaired can be found at

The chat topics are around the new and improvements in the user, committer, and contributor experience. Also on the deck are the new Red Hat Developer Studio, the new Red Hat Developer Program, and Developer Subscriptions that support your team from prototyping to development to production. Overall, we'll be taking any questions on the open source-into-product processes around JBoss Enterprise Middleware platforms and frameworks.

Also, I'm curious how this chat format is going to work out. To find out if it is useful for developers. Since chats are a very easy way to interact live with a global audience, we might want to host more of these.

When it is all over, I'll get busy with and post the resulting Q/A from #108.
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