Aug 26, 2012 06:56
So far, the best part of college, even as massive and hard to navigate as this one is, is the fact I don't have to deal with my parents. My Dad made moving in a miserable endeavor, and it's pretty loud since my room is right by the building's main extrance, but I love my new room. I'll have to wait until next week to bring over some extension cords and my keyboard, but I am one of those freaks that genuinely likes the three giant pipes that go across my room about a foot below my ceiling above my bed.
Yes, it was incredibly loud last night - outside. Inside, the girls on my floor (in the basement; I knew something was odd when my room had 00 in front of the number) were quiet and I haven't had any problems with them. Last night I navigated the grounds after nightfall and managed to find my way to the food court, which for someone with my fear of going out after dark should have been terrifying. But I got a pan pizza from the Pizza Hut on campus, I read some of my textbook for Russian class, and I RP'd a little on my new, much faster internet connection.
It was really hot yesterday, so I have my windows open right now while it's still cool. My hope is to keep the room cool that way, but given the massive heater in my room, I doubt it'll be bad come winter. The only thing I'm still worried about is getting breakfast before my classes start at eight in the morning. Otherwise I'll have to wait until noon to get food, which isn't too bad, just not ideal.
I've got some cautious optimism for once. I don't have to do anything today but get food and practice my Russian~! I can just sit around here and do what I want without anything else mattering. Nobody here knows me, nobody's here to make fun of me over things that happened when I was in elementary or middle school, it's just me. In a crowd. Blending in, being nobody of note, just walking by.
cautious optimism