A Universe where Bond is a Magnificent Bastard who has a Shadowy Secret Identity
as a Butt Monkey and he needs to save the City Again and Again and Again
by Dancing in a Gorgeous Dress.
trope /trōp/
n. A figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression.
syn. metaphor
Emma - Friends - Suits - World of Warcraft - The Avengers - Alias - Mad Men - Sin City - Community - Elementary - Fringe - The Vampire Diaries - Firefly - Sense and Sensibility - Star Wars - DC Comics - Batman (various) - Miranda - Once Upon a Time - Glee - Sleeping Beauty - Gone With the Wind - James Bond/Skyfall - Merlin - Game of Thrones - The Hour - The Borgias - Arrow - Sherlock - Stargate Atlantis - Eureka - Nikita - Fringe - Castle - Battlestar Galactica - Downton Abbey
10 tropes. 5 Makers. 50 icons.