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bonheurs currently a Hero at the
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The Fair • attributes •
Level ████████6Power █████104ptsMagic ███62ptsCharm ███62ptsAgility ███62ptsTotal ███290pts
• badges •
• completed challenges •
♦ Chapter One
Main Quest - Adventure [5/5]
Side Quest - Color Palettes [1/5]
• fandoms •
Harry Potter, BTVS/ATS/the comics, Marvel universe + the movies, Doctor Who, Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth, Game of Thrones/ASIAF, Girl Genius, El Goonish Shive, White Collar, Being Human UK, The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Fringe, TVD, Lost, Mad Men, SPN, Bones, Gossip Girl, Eureka, Sanctuary, Alias, Skins UK, Primeval, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Heroes, Merlin, Kick-Ass, Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, Torchwood, Dead Like Me, Glee, Battlestar Galactica...I'm a fandom whore pretty much.
• about •
Hey, I'm Julianna Lynne. I'm teenaged girl from southern California who works at the library and likes to play with photoshop instead of being responsible & doing my math homework. I'm slightly anti-social, both on the internet & real life, but if you get me talking (or typing) I'm rather friendly, and a bit prone to ramble. I'm trilingual (English, Spanish, and TV Tropes).