Haha who cares about colours when the Fantine cap is just so damn pretty? *__* Such an awful, awful moment in her story, but hah, the angst is just bleeding out on the snow and don't judge me for calling that pretty, okay?
Also add mind-blowing complexcomposition and text to that description of your icons. You are really, really good at slapping on textures lol. Like even the most geometric and schizophrenic and avant-garde textures work for you like you like you sprinkled fairy dust on them and commanded them to do your bidding. Also, I am now totally disillusioned that you didn't do the Red Oni Blue Oni thing on purpose T_______T ;P
The Javert + Many Faces of Valjean was really cool. It keeps reminding me of Javert's badass boast that he never forgets a face, and then sincerely apologises to Madeline for thinking he was 24601. Ohhh Inspector, this is why I love you ♥_________♥
(Marius is my bb to hell and back, but oh god his clothes. All their clothes. Those pants. That quiff. Thank god you're gorgeous, Eddie; no else would believe you're a model in that outfit.)
Also add mind-blowing complex composition and text to that description of your icons. You are really, really good at slapping on textures lol. Like even the most geometric and schizophrenic and avant-garde textures work for you like you like you sprinkled fairy dust on them and commanded them to do your bidding. Also, I am now totally disillusioned that you didn't do the Red Oni Blue Oni thing on purpose T_______T ;P
The Javert + Many Faces of Valjean was really cool. It keeps reminding me of Javert's badass boast that he never forgets a face, and then sincerely apologises to Madeline for thinking he was 24601. Ohhh Inspector, this is why I love you ♥_________♥
(Marius is my bb to hell and back, but oh god his clothes. All their clothes. Those pants. That quiff. Thank god you're gorgeous, Eddie; no else would believe you're a model in that outfit.)
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