Doctor Who Battle

Nov 20, 2012 00:57




battle between elli, equanimity23, goreplz, gribouille, oswin, regis, renrenren3, val_valerie, and watching_ghosts

elli's caps

elli (hero x2)equanimity23 (wizard x2)goreplz (hero, bard)gribouille (hero, wizard)oswin (wizard x2)regis (wizard, rogue)renrenren3 (rogue, hero)val_valerie (hero, rogue)watching_ghosts (hero, rogue)elli's cap #1

elli's cap #2

equanimity23's caps
elli (wizard, rogue)equanimity23 (wizard, rogue)goreplz (hero, rogue)gribouille (hero x2)oswin (bard, hero)regis (bard, rogue)renrenren3 (bard x2)val_valerie (bard, wizard)watching_ghosts (wizard, hero)equanimity23's cap #1

equanimity23's cap #2

goreplz's caps
elli (rogue, hero)equanimity23 (wizard x2)goreplz (wizard, hero)gribouille (rogue, wizard)oswin (bard, hero)regis (bard, rogue)renrenren3 (bard, rogue)val_valerie (hero, bard)watching_ghosts (rogue x2)goreplz's cap #1

goreplz's cap #2

gribouille's caps
elli (hero x2)equanimity23 (rogue, wizard)goreplz (rogue, hero)gribouille (hero, wizard)oswin (rogue, hero)regis (rogue, bard)renrenren3 (wizard, bard)val_valerie (hero, rogue)watching_ghosts (rogue x2)gribouille's cap #1

gribouille's cap #2

kasiopeia's caps*
elli (rogue, hero)equanimity23 (rogue x2)goreplz (rogue x2)gribouille (hero, rogue)oswin (rogue, bard)regis (rogue x2)renrenren3 (bard, hero)val_valerie (hero, rogue)watching_ghosts (hero x2)kasiopeia's cap #1

kasiopeia's cap #2

oswin's caps
elli (rogue x2)equanimity23 (hero x2)goreplz (hero, bard)gribouille (wizard, hero)oswin (wizard, hero)regis (rogue, hero)renrenren3 (rogue, bard)val_valerie (rogue, bard)watching_ghosts (rogue, hero)oswin's cap #1

oswin's cap #2

regis's caps
elli (hero x2)equanimity23 (rogue, hero)goreplz (hero x2)gribouille (hero x2)oswin (bard, wizard)regis (wizard, hero)renrenren3 (hero, bard)val_valerie (hero, rogue)watching_ghosts (hero, rogue)regis's cap #1

regis's cap #2

renrenren3's caps
elli (rogue, hero)equanimity23 (wizard, hero)goreplz (bard, hero)gribouille (hero, bard)oswin (hero x2)regis (hero x2)renrenren3 (wizard, hero)val_valerie (rogue, bard)watching_ghosts (hero, wizard)renrenren3's cap #1

renrenren3's cap #2

val_valerie's caps
elli (rogue x2)equanimity23 (wizard, rogue)goreplz (hero, rogue)gribouille (rogue, hero)oswin (bard, hero)regis (hero x2)renrenren3 (rogue x2)val_valerie (bard, hero)watching_ghosts (hero x2)val_valerie's cap #1

val_valerie's cap #2

watching_ghosts's caps
elli (hero, rogue)equanimity23 (wizard, rogue)goreplz (hero, wizard)gribouille (hero x2)oswin (hero x2)regis (wizard, rogue)renrenren3 (hero, rogue)val_valerie (rogue x2)watching_ghosts (rogue x2)watching_ghosts's cap #1

watching_ghosts's cap #2

* kasiopeia dropped out of the battle but we still made icons from the caps she chose

!oswin, !goreplz, !elli, !gribouille, !equanimity23, doctor who, !renrenren3, !watching_ghosts, !val_valerie, !regis

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