a battle between
sunshine_flying and
oresteia Superhero Theme Battle
Instead of choosing caps, we chose a "theme" of caps (superhero), as well as adjective and technical themes for this challenge.
Adjective Themesdarkbrightpowerfulvaliantweak
oresteia - b, w, w, h, h
sunshine_flying - r, h, r, h, r
oresteia - b, w, h, r, h
sunshine_flying - h, r, h, h, r
-Technical Themesneg. spacefacelessoverflowtexturevert. levels
oresteia - b, h, r, h, r
sunshine_flying - r, r, w, h, b
-borderboxedclose upquotereptetitive
oresteia - b, w, w, h, h
sunshine_flying - w, w, r, b, w