(no subject)

Jun 14, 2003 17:54

Subdivision garage sale! *climaxes*

I'm planning to do Atkins but I know I can't until I go on the two week shutdown at the end of the month, because I cannot do it when I'm sitting at work hungry as hell. I need to be home so I can do other things. In fact, I need to be at home with no money and no car so I can't jump in my car and make a run to Wendy's at the corner. I am so weak. Only thing is, I'm planning a Jeepers party for Joseph at the end of month also so it will have to wait until after that.

WHY did I download some Metallica? I kept hearing Nothing Else Matters on this alterna station and I wanted that, then I ended up getting like 8 songs by them. Now those muthas will probably be suing me next week. I should have known not to get them of all folks.

I wish these kids would leave so I can get my scratch on. Ever since the surgery I have been really itchy, I don't know why, something dried out my skin though. I mean my WHOLE body. I think it's an allergic reaction to something that hasn't quite cleared out of me, my sister suggested it might have been all of the morphine they gave me because she said that's what junkies take and it makes them itch. lol That was a pleasant thought. I'm a temporary junkie. But this itching is no joke at all, my throat, my back, my fingers, the soles of my feet! Ever see Dave Chappelle do that Tyrone the Crackhead character??? I was scratching just like that. It's better now but it still bothers me. I just want to get naked and stretch out on the bed and have Nate scratch my entire body with a hairbrush, lol.

Can y'all believe Joseph turned FOUR today???? Most of you knew me when I was pregnant with him, I mean just barely in my second trimester. This is wild, that seems like yesterday. I remember the online baby shower the folks at the AOL Ebony boards threw me, and the thread JoJo made on Rollo's board announcing when I had the baby.

What's so funny is that I started out putting Joseph across my lap on a pillow, whenever I was online. Then he got bigger and he would sit on my lap and watch me type and try to play with the keyboard. Then I got him his own keyboard, just the keyboard, and put it on the floor at my feet - he couldn't even crawl, but he would stretch out and just play on the keys while I was online. He played with that keyboard until the keys fell off. Then at some point - he must have been around 1 - he figured out the connection between the cursor and the movement of the mouse and he started pointing at things on the screen and clicking them. I remember being tripped completely out one day when Nate asked him where was AOL and he pointed to it with the cursor. He used to fall asleep at the computer, bottle in mouth - ruined a couple of keyboards because he would fall over on them and then the bottle would leak into the keys. Today, this boy is more advanced than some of the people I work with. He still doesn't double click, he will click once and then hit Enter, but he has this whole cd case of his own games, I made him his own webpage with links to all of his sites - he must have at least 20 sites that he goes to. He just gets on here and opens his page and goes whereever, and he never needs any help. The only thing he can't do is type, but he tries to fill in any of those input boxes, he just hits a bunch of letters until they fill up, then he hits Submit or Go, lol. He goes back or forward, hits refresh if the page takes too long - I think he recognizes certain words like Go, or Play, or Enter, or Click Here, because he automatically picks the right one whenever he's at those prompts - oh, and Print, unfortunately he's figured that one out. I have to keep his printer off because he will print EVERYTHING. In color, lol. He is truly a baby of the new millennium. I got him his own computer last year. That's my heart.

Was I rambling? Sorry, I'm just crazy about that kid. He got frustrated with the daycare he was at last year because they had a row of computers for the "older kids" and they wouldn't let him use them. He used to be so pissed when I picked him up, and the teachers were like, "he's too young, blah blah". I'm like, "he probably knows more than you do". This new daycare doesn't have computers at all, but at least when he gets home he has unlimited time on his own computer and doesn't have to fight with his brother and sister over it because they know not to bother his system. He comes straight in the door and gets on his computer.

He just ran through here, he has on some of those long long denim shorts that I think look SO cool on little kids. I got him a few of those in different colors for his birthday, and a bike, some more Toy Story stuff - a puzzle and two LARGE characters, Buzz and Bullseye. Some remote control monster trucks and an alphabet desk. For his party I'll get him some of those shoes by Allen Iverson, The Answer 6, I think, something I saw at the website. And some more random Toy Story stuff and some movies, I guess. I swear, one day I'm gonna sell his TS collection for like $3,000, he has just that much stuff.

But get this, today at this garage sale down the street, the guy there works at Disney!! He had TONS of stuff for sale, brand new, most of it marked Not for Retail, stuff he got from work. I don't know if he worked for the store or the company, but I guessed the company because his brother somehow works for the Bush/Cheney campaign and this house is like a mansion. He and his brother were having the sale and he said they don't stay there with their mom anymore, they live with their father and they just haul their stuff over there every year to get rid of it in the sale. They have a little sister and she had her own Barbie store going on over on another part of the yard. I'm talking literally TONS of items, it was ridiculous. That's where I got the Buzz and Bullseye, someone else had just bought Woody and Jesse before I got there, these things are about 4 feet tall and they were only $4 each. He told me if I needed anything else to just drop by and leave a message with his mom and he'd get back to me. I was like, damn, all of these years and I didn't know this connection was right down the street! I can't even tell you how much I've spent on eBay on this stuff, when I could have gotten it from him. I told him he should sell it on eBay but he said he didn't have time to do it and didn't really care about the money, he just needed to get rid of it every year.

Before my mom died, she worked for Ashton Drake, the maker of those collector's dolls that everyone goes gaga over? Those things sell for hundreds and thousands of dollars, they have huge conventions and gatherings to celebrate new releases or retirement. Weird people, I tell ya. But she used to get all of these dolls for free, not damaged or discontinued, just like overstock, or if they had a convention, they would give the unsold dolls to the employees, whenever they released a new edition, the employees would get it first. Anyway, to summarize, when she passed, she had a bunch of these dolls, my sister has most of them in her attic. She gave us each one and I never really got how valuable they were, I left mine in Chicago last year but I keep saying I should get it and put it in a case or something. She gave both of our daughters one - my daughter combed her doll's hair - you're not supposed to do that, lol.

This guy's collection just brought that to mind. It must be cool to work for a company like that. I applied for a job at Yum Brands, the parent company of Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silvers and A&W. I wonder if I would get free food, lol.
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