I'm starting to take this personally....

May 23, 2003 07:26

I was watching Leno last night and Ruben was a guest but the musical guest was Frankie J, whom I've never heard of although I have heard that single and I like it, and I like him, so I go to towerrecords.com to see what I could find about him. Lo and behold, there's a big ad for Ruben's single, but smack in the center of the ad is a smaller ad for Clay's single! I mean, come on!!! Can't the brotha even have his OWN fucking ad?? And something else happened, for the first time ever, I didn't like Clay. It's totally not his fault, the same way it's not Ashanti's fault that Murder Inc thinks she can outsing Whitney, but since the label is shoving Clay all down our throats right along with Ruben, now I don't feel like I like him anymore. Again, so not his fault but that's the way it is. I would have been so cool on buying his album NEXT YEAR, after Ruben's done his thing and faded, but not this way. Like Cosby said on that episode about the way Vanessa brought her boyfriend home, it's the presentation of it all that stinks.

I may not have ever voted for Ruben or screamed for joy when he won, but dammit I'm not gonna sit by and watch a brotha get dissed like this. What if we applied this "almost won" criteria to everything in life? Say, the presidency? Why didn't we just let Gore and Bush SHARE these last four years in office - after all, the vote was so close! Or the Miss America pageant, why not have two - oh, wait, nobody watches that crap anyway.

I just think they wanted Clay so bad they were salivating but they couldn't stop Ruben from winning so they just say what the hell, we're running this thing and we can do whatever the fuck we please, who cares who wins? And then forcing them to compete on the charts with each release like they're going to PROVE to us that Clay is better. I might have to buy Ruben's album just as a way to stick my finger up at TPTB, lol. Even if I never crack the plastic on the sucka, that'll show 'em!

Actually, watching Divas last night I realized that Mary J. really can't sing for shit either. But they do a lot with her voice in the studio. Same with Lisa Marie Presley, that girl sounded absolutely horrible, I know her dad was rolling. But I love that song when it comes on the radio, didn't realize she sounded so bad trying to handle it on her own. So Ruben will probably sound really good after they engineer his voice a bit, although I hate that single. And why does it sound so much like A Moment Like This? Who is churning out this crap by the dozens?
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