Okay, okay, Ruben

May 22, 2003 09:32

He won, I'm happy for him. It is cool that this year it was all about talent - oh, wait, Ruben won. Well, I'm trying to say it wasn't about IMAGE. And that's good. I still think Ruben is so mediocre but that's the problem with R&B today, mediocrity is the goal. He'll do okay for a year or so, then fade away. I really don't see any future for him as a singer, maybe he can act but I doubt it.

If Clay wasn't so freaking flaming he might have pulled it off. I know a lot of folks were turned off by his over the top effeminity(sp). Even Barry Manilow was low key, Elton John, Sam Harris wasn't that bad either.

Now, that being sad, what I don't like is that they're releasing both Clay and Ruben's albums the same week!!! I didn't want Ruben to win, but dang, he won fair and square, give the man his props and let him enjoy it the way the contest was meant to run. How unfair that they change the rules and basically take the wind out of his sails and make it like TWO winners! They didn't do that last year, the winner clearly had her album coming out and everyone else's was AFTER hers, no matter how much more talented they were than she. I believe there was even some clause about this which is why it took Tamyra's album so long to get together. It almost seems like they could see that Ruben would win so they put together this whole thing to record Clay's album at the same time and put them out there as competitors, so in a sense, Clay still wins.

I think that's so wrong. Esp after he worked so hard to win, it's not like it was a random raffle. Let me work my ass off for something and then they say, hey, you won! But we're also going to give the runner up the exact same prizes as you - but you get to wear this cheap ass banner that says winner! Isn't that great?
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