Just a quick update, I just took a brisk walk in the freezing cold and now I'm sleepy but I wanted to do this before I forget. I want to thank everyone again for their thoughts and prayers during our recent loss. Especially you,
omegaxl, believe it or not, just a word or two does help in some strange way. People don't believe that and instead don't say anything, but it helps.
The funeral was yesterday and everything was okay, glad it's over and we can move forward. Unfortunately, this was one of the most boring and dispassionate funerals I've ever attended. Even my husband was ready to leave. Her family is Jehovah Witness so I don't know for sure if that had anything to do with it but it was at the funeral home instead of a church and there was no piano, no organ, no choir, no big sista singing - or should I say, SANGIN. It was just blah. Some clown that worked at the home read - or rather - fumbled his way through the reading sounding like Damon Wayans in that cellblock skit he used to do on Living Color. He seriously needed to get hooked on phonics. Then he finished reading and stood there staring off into space and he said, "I'm waiting for the music". So we're looking around thinking a choir is going to stand up and start singing, and some tiny static-y music starts playing through the audio system. Man, it was sad. I couldn't even cry. I could not get into the ceremony at all.
It was so cute though when we sat down and Joseph turned to us and put his finger on his lips and said, "shhhh, she's sleeping!" That was the best part.
She was buried in her cap and gown, that was nice. She had already taken her grad pictures and everything, so I think her mother is going to walk across the stage for her.
On another note, these were the creepiest funeral guests I've ever seen! There were people up in there with various deformities, arms growing out of their necks, one baby had another head growing out of her forehead, one woman had big bald patches in her head, another woman's entire face looked burned and I found out later that she had full blown AIDS, there were women in there that looked like they had just got off the stroll and decided to stop by between johns. It was just itchy!! We didn't even go to the dinner because honestly I couldn't have eaten looking at those people. I guess their family grew up on a rough side of town and these were people that knew the family - actually the funeral home was right in the middle of that side of town so it was easy for people to just walk there.
I'm glad that's all over though. I always dread funerals and then feel so relieved when it's over. But I set out yesterday thinking, why did I put on makeup and mascara when I'm going to cry it all off? And I did not shed one single tear, that's how dry and lackluster this ceremony was. I cried enough at home over the last week but dang, even the kids couldn't muster up anything yesterday.
I'm really tired now! The walk felt good even though my face froze. It's supposed to be better in the cold, so I hear anyway. Going to nap, lol, somehow I think that may be defeating the purpose but shoot, I'm sleepy!