Hey, welcome to the world of IPSUREN, a Super Junior fanfiction by
Lamia. Thank you for checking it out and I hope you stay long enough to read a chapter (or two)! IPSUREN is a science fiction love story between males (also known in the world of fandom as slash). The priority pairing is eunhae (eunhyuk x donghae), the secondary pairing is kyumin (kyuhyun x sungmin), although there will be a plethora of other pairings as well. The plot for IPSUREN is roughly inspired by Storm Constantine's scifi fantasy WRAETHTHU trilogy, although only roughly. Actually, you'll find that the setting in IPSUREN is very, very different from the WRAETHTHU setting and the terminology and a lot of the ceremonies/customs were entirely created by me. I think, before I would call this a WRAETHTHU-based fanfic, I would say that Storm Constantine's series merely helped me along. But, I'll give credit where credit is due because I truly could never have come up with this without her. She gave me the seed from which this monstrous tree has grown.
You'll notice that the world of IPSUREN has a lot of customs and names and terms in their culture/society that can not be seamlessly explained in the fic. For this purpose, I have compiled a
GLOSSARY where almost every fictional term will be defined. It is highly recommended that you give this list a once over and keep it on hand throughout your reading in order to acquaint yourself with the setting. To avoid pre-mature spoilers, I will keep the definitions as limited as realistically helpful and only include what has been mentioned in the plot up to the most recent update. This means that the glossary will grow and some definitions may be changed as the main character learns more about the IPSUREN world. In other words, the glossary is a compilation of everything Donghae knows. The more he learns, the more complete the glossary will become.
IPSUREN is a world full of violence and sex with very dark themes. Therefore, I hope everyone will heed the NC-17 rating. I know that nothing can stop minors from reading this fanfic: if they want to, they'll find a way. I first entered fandom when I was ten years old and lied my way into all kinds of adult fandom all the way until I was eighteen. But I'll put this warning out there anyway, so if your parents come to me all pissed off about how their young kid is reading graphic descriptions of two guys engaging in homosexual sex, they won't have any basis to convict me. So, again:
IPSUREN IS RATED NC-17. I'm going to try to update the site once a week (now every Thursday), EST.
ALSO, for those of you photoshop saavy beings who are inspired enough to submit fanart (which is greatly appreciated!), keep in mind that all of the SJ boys are being portrayed as they were during the BONAMANA era.
I guess that's it! I'll let you get on to the fic now. And if anyone actually read all of this, you're super cool! The more you know...