(no subject)

May 01, 2005 01:04

It's only just occured to me that my journal is locked and that if my remix author isn't on my friendslist, she'll never see what I have to say! So I'm posting that, along with my guesses, right here, for now. I do hope she stops by!

Alright, so I'm going to try a couple of remix guesses, now that I've finally finished them all. Unfortunately, I know so few of the authors that I'd never be able to recognize their styles. Still, I might as well throw some out there. :)

First, my own: Take Two, which is hot and cute and hot and eeeee Elijah's point of view and did I mention hot and just generally makes me like my original Take One so much more than I did. I'm guessing that ripsgirl did this one, but that's a hunch, and it's based only on skimming some of her fic and reading Fear of Fridges, but regardless of who did write it, I love it, and it's absolutely changed my interpretation of that fic and for that I owe them a great big THANK YOU.

Now, then.
When It Settles - kiltsandlollies? I don't know why, but this one just strikes me as her - strong and sharp and hot, but with an edge of melancholy. There's an ache to this that reminds me of her Dom and Elijah, whenever I've seen them together. And if it's not her, then this is my second choice for airgiodslv, for a lot of the same reasons, and because it is so strong. Still, I'm probably wrong on both counts.

Conversion - anatsuno? I'm not sure. There's just something about the rhythm and the Elijah POV that make me think of her, and an edge that I somehow associate with her writing, and a great presence of sex, I think. But I'm not at all confident in this. Really, really great, anyway.

Kaleidoscope - airgiodslov? I'm probably wrong on this. I don't know. Because I couldn't find anything that spoke to me straight away as being hers, but this one kept hanging in, somehow, poking me. Because there's something physical about it that I like, and something beautiful, and something haunting. Of course, this could make it any of a huge number of other authors, too, but. The biggest thing that gives me pause, honey, is the things you've been saying about your own, and how this just doesn't match with that. *sigh* I give. I don't think I can find you, unless this is it.

Double Take - frisbyg? Interestingly although I don't know her and I'm not overly familiar with her writing, this one, to me, reads something like her Since We've No Place to Go in terms of dialogue, and interaction, and just in how much I enjoyed them both.

Thick - almostnever? Just a hunch. Actually, I have no good reasons for this. It's just done so well, and Ces always does things well. And she's good at dialogue, and I love the dialogue in this. *shrug* So I'll take a stab. :)

Triangular Parallel - zarah5? This one reads like Zarah to me, it just does. It's so good and it made my breath catch in my throat and her stuff does that to me, every time. I'm with Jen. *grin*

Release - shanalle? I haven't read much of your fic, Shelly, so I have no idea why I'm picking you here. It has something to do with Dom's voice, with the way he speaks and with the way he spoke in your fabulous fabulous fabulous How Soon Is Now. But I like this one because it's different than the original in some very astute ways, and because it's sharp and prickly and yet there's a resolution, a release, if I can just be lame. Heh.

As for the one I wrote, well. It might be on this list... Or it might not be. *g* Just have to wait and see!

This isn't, though, in any way a list of recs, because they are all just that good this year. So go, and find a pairing that you like, and read. And read the original story, and see what you think of how the author remixed it. There's a massive amount of wonderful fic there, just waiting for you to find it. Please do!

Alright, kids. Am I anywhere near the mark on any of these? I doubt I'm very good at this. *g*
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