Nothing Nice.

Nov 19, 2007 02:02

My brother is like Harrison Bergeron now. His vision is bad; His sight is extremely poor in one eye. The only way to correct this is by forcing that eye to work more, to compensate however eyes do. He has been given a special prescription that will worsen his vision in his good eye, and drops to do the same.

I don't know if I love my brother, but I do feel awful about this. It really tears me up. I don't know that he'll ever grow up good and tall and prosperous, but he has a shot at growing up happy, at least. We will see how he improves.

I don't understand Zionism or anti-Zionism, so I'm going to some events on campus this week with a theme of "Peace in Palestine." will probably leave me where I began factually, but will at least introduce me to the opinions involved. It all seems very stupid and simple to me, and I don't see what anyone gains from it. Typical of religion to divide people. Typical of people to seek divisions.

aude omnia: That's the problem. On an individual level I would think people would just want PEACE, because then they have a place to live and all their limbs and shit
aude omnia: And this is my fundamental misunderstanding of human nature
aude omnia: People don't want peace
Waffle Guy: A PERSON wants peace, people want toaster strudels and midnight madness sales

Tell me how you feel about it. I have no perspective on the issue, so I'm curious.

As I mention my brother, his visitation falls to my mother on Thanksgiving weekend, so we can't go on our once-annual trip to Vermont. My father's date invited us to her family's dinner, but I don't feel comfortable going. She's nice enough, certainly, but I don't want to involve myself with her family and all of that. It would be smartest of me to go, since I'll just be lonely here, but it feels right.

I still don't know how I feel about smoking and drinking. The more people try to defend drinking, the more feeble their arguments seem. These wouldn't be an issue, except they tend to dictate the kind of social space I occupy.

Even people who were once as dismissive as I am to drinking are now bragging about the last mixed drink they had. I know people change, but no one seems to be changing their minds in my direction. I will need to think more about this. In the meanwhile, I hope it rains.
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