Day 5

Sep 13, 2011 13:37

Alright so I don't think this will be as absolutely horrible and crushing as I expected (knock on wood.) I talked to zack yesterday we went out to breakfast and were honest with each other.
We are both single, we want to work things out by doing what we singularly need to do. For me that is being alone for an indefinite amour of time, and getting off of birth control to see if I still have a sex drive hidden somewhere. For zack... Well he doesn't know and his job is to figure out what he wants/needs. The idea of polyamory came up, we will see.
I know what I need, I know what I want for myself and from him and what I am willing to do to have it. I am trying to only think of myself.
Big step: on Saturday I am going to attend my first s.l.a.a. Meeting. I know that I have a dependency problem and I want to be happy with myself regardless of men.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

on the bus

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