Things are Not What They Seem

Aug 29, 2007 01:42

When I was 12 years old, I thought that pot was some faraway fantasy that would never cross my path in a million years. Then I slowly began to realize that the people that I'd always counted on to be so straight laced and honorable weren't really the way that I thought. I learned that my best friend in the entire world smoked pot almost every weekend, and that some of my good friends got drunk and did cocaine at raging parties every night. Yet, these people were not cracked out drug addicts, they were normal people, who led normal lives, got normal grades, and had normal families. I thought that my perfect little city world would never be breached by such evils. I can't imagine how naive I used to be.

Flash forward to 2007: I have since dated 3 of these supposed druggies and found them to be quite lovely human beings, though mixed up with the wrong set. And everyday I find out that old people from my past were so different than I experienced them through my little prude, teenage eyes. People may surprise you, in many, many ways.

I have no idea if any of that makes sense...recovering from heat stroke.
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