Jan 11, 2013 18:34

It's funny how korean keep porudly saying that they are growing as part of a larger group (family/neighbourhood/nearest church society/Republic of Korea) while we westerners are growing as individuals and the need of feeling to "belong" to a group is secondary for us. It makes it sounds like they think they care about other people much more than about themselves, right? They say it with such a pride that one really believes. I did. UNTIL

1) I stepped into a little hole in the pavement yesterday and fell forward. The guy in front of me produced a sound of surprise, turned around....turned back and continued walking. The older man behind me watched me get up and let out amused "hahah". O.o

2) I cannot leave the subway train because all the people just stand on their spots watching tv/chatting on their phones not really carring that they are blocking the way out. In my country, though, when the way out of the train is packed, everyone gets out let people who need leave and then if they get back in again.

3) I see all the old grannies and grandpas cleaning the streets off the ice/snow/vomit of friday nights etc.

Aside of that. Darn, the ajumas are really so scary XD Today I was in the department store and there was a granny in age of aprox. 60. She asked the department store worker.

"Do you have OO?"
Worker: "Yeah, right here, madam."
"Where?! What brand is it?"
Worker: -sits down to show her but can't find the origins/brand-
"So you don't have it?!" -she probably saw the empty box left next to the one that was still full, though-
Worker: "Yes, we do, here-" - still reading to tell the women what's the origin of it-
"Yah! I asked what brand is it!"
Worker: -finally finds it and informes the customer-
"What? That sounds weird. Let's get this somewhere else. Gogo." -pushes her husband forward-

I mean she was really raising her voice at the poor worker.

They are still fun to play with. And I love the language, darn I can't help it :)) And of course there are those who do care. Let's meet a lot of them!


Watching MUSIC BANK in the TV now, can't wait to see Infinite H! :) There is a group called "Airplane" now, I've never heard of them, but they really sing hella good O.o The song is quite catching, eventhough the lyrics sucks :) I think it'd be called "Beautiful" in English.

End of random :)

;infinite, real life

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