Сюжет с переодеванием мальчиков в девочек и наоборот для проникновения в закрытые учебные заведения с раздельным обучением - очень плодотворный шаблон в аниме. Тут тебе и "Maria Holic" и "Ladies versus Butlers!" и вообще много чего. Закрытые учебные заведения - лакомая тема. Особенно цековные, ага. Так вот, официально заявляю, что сюжеты с переодеванием взяты из жизни. Пруф под катом.
"Dr. Verbeck in his "Historical Scetch" considered that the first school to deserve the name of a distinctly missionary institute was one begun in Tokyo about 1869, by Mr. and Mrs. Carrothers of the Presbyterian Mission. Among the pupils were a few girls, and as these increased in number, it was thought best to form them into a separate school. One student who about to be left with the young men came to Mrs. Carrothers to say that she was a girl and had been wearing boy's clothing on account of the popular prejudice against boys and girls studying together."
Otis Cary, "
A History of Christianity in Japan", 1909, p.68
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