Jun 07, 2010 23:15
My school French is good enough to understand „we discourage anyone with vertigo strongly from taking this path“, but for the rest I was glad I have bought a dictionary recently. Translations in German, as it is late and the dictionary is French/German: Poteu des Etales: approche penible (beschwerlich) mais courte (15 minutes/ caillasse(Kies/Schutt)). passage equipe de mains courantes (Handlauf? Naja, ist ein normales Woerterbuch und kein Bergsteigerhandbuch...)(cordes/poignees metalliques (Seil/Metallgriffe)) et d'echelles (Leitern). Well, I’ll give that a miss then, shall I? It’s moot anyway as the mountain hut this path is leading to is open only from July onwards. In case you are wondering what this is about, I’m currently trying to figure out what to do during my five days of holiday in Switzerland. Sticking to more low level routes is what it’s going to be, I guess. Way more plants to gaze at anyway! And the subject line is my mother’s comment when I told her that I’m going to go hiking on my own.