I Hate You Too [four]

Jul 29, 2011 03:15

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal. The only thing I really own would be the ideas that go into this.


When Alex woke up on Sunday, he'd expected the sun to be out, not for it to be pitch black outside and have his phone blaring. Alex groaned, the annoyance seeping in. He grabbed his phone, unlocking it and noticing that it was 4:15. In the fucking morning. He also noticed that he had a text, said text that woke him up. It was from Jack, and it was blunt.

'Ur a fag.'

Alex really loathed him right now. Why the fuck was Jack even awake? There's this thing called sleeping, he should try it sometime. Alex replied, even though everything within him was really telling him to throw the phone halfway across the room and pass out until the sun is burning through his motherfucking eyelids.

'Why the fuck are u awake'

The older boy was seriously considering ignoring his phone and going back to sleep. Before he could even act on the thought, his phone was blaring again and Alex wanted to crawl into a hole.

'Bcuz zacks a fag and he went to the gym or some shit. He woke me up b4 he left.'

Alex rolled his eyes, because he didn't even know that the two had made up, and as of right now he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was shutting the younger boy up so he could faceplant back into his pillow.

'That's gr8. Now go back 2 sleep, fag'

The boy moved to then silent his phone, but he wasn't fast enough, and Alex wondered how Jack typed that quickly, but again, he didn't care.

'I cant. Thats kinda y I'm txting you shithead. Can we hang or somethin'

Alex's eyes widened at the text, reminding himself that it was 4 in the motherfucking morning, and Alex was not leaving the house for anything, especially not Jack. He didn't care if someone set it on fire. The flames could happily engulf him if he was one with his mattress.

'Its 4 in the mornin. Are u like crazy. I'm not fcking leaving the house.'

Alex set his phone next to him, setting his head back onto his pillow and closing his eyes. He thought maybe that would have gotten Jack to shut up, so now he could happily resume the sleep that he had desperately needed. Not because he'd stayed up to late, he was just tired and Alex could do what he wanted. Before finally falling asleep, his phone was blaring and vibrating again and Alex screamed 'Jack, you motherfucker!' before unlocking his phone to read the text.

'I figured we could go 2 the diner or s/t. Idk Alex please, I'm rly fucking bored.'

The older boy groaned again, and he was going to regret this. He was really, really going to fucking regret this.

'Ill meet u there in 15 minutes. If ur not there Jack, I s2g ill feed u to a fucking grizzly bear.'

- - -

Alex was now sitting in a booth at some local diner, and he hadn't even bothered to change out of his pajama pants. His hair was all messed up, although Jack found it highly attractive, and as the older boy had figured, they were the only people in the diner. Besides the two waitresses.

One of the waitresses had already taken their orders, and Alex kept yawning, because it was way too fucking early for this. Jack chuckled quietly each time, and Alex continuously glared at him. “Why the fuck were you and Zack even together? I thought you were still fighting..” The older boy said tiredly, stretching out his arms.

Jack fumbled with his hands for a few moments, debating on whether telling Alex would be a good thing or a bad thing. He decided against it, simply mumbling, “Well, we made up.” Alex nodded, because that was fucking obvious, but apparently Jack was too stupid to realize that. “Yeah, I know. But why?” the older boy asked curiously, and Jack shrugs, looking down and fumbling with his hands again, “C-cause we just did, okay. Let it the fuck go.”

The older boy shrugged, letting it go and moving onto some other irrelevant topic. He didn't really care, he wasn't supposed to. Hell, Alex wasn't even sure why he was with Jack as of right now, when he could be fucking sleeping. But Alex shrugged that off, and figured he probably only agreed because he was hungry. It wasn't really a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth.

Jack also wasn't acting like himself, and he really hadn't been the past week. It was strange, and he just seemed upset about something. However, it didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it, and Alex didn't have the patience to listen, especially when he knew Jack would probably start crying or something, and Alex didn't want to see the younger boy acting like a normal human, he couldn't see him like that.

Alex didn't know what would happen if he ever did, if he ever saw proof that Jack was actually human and had feelings and problems and wasn't a douche the entirety of his life. He'd probably have to admit to Zack that he was right, and Alex would never do that. So Jack's emotions? Not something he wanted to see or deal with, or even know of their existence.

After Alex had finished with his pointless attempt of a conversation, and the waitress had come back with their food (it had taken a damn long time, considering they were the only people in there), neither of the boys talked. They ate in total silence, and there was no protest.

Jack, at first, had kind of wanted to protest. He wanted to make somewhat of an attempt to be friends with Alex, because he didn't want to lose Zack, he couldn't afford to. And that came with some terms, one (the most important, according to Zack) was that he had to be nice to Alex. So he was trying really, really hard. But Alex was having none of it.

And yeah, that was understood. Jack had been bitching at the older boy for years, believe it or not. Zack didn't know that Jack had known Alex since they were both in elementary school. Zack didn't know what happened back then. And he honestly preferred to keep it that way. Alex didn't bring it up, ever, and Jack had never even considered it.

After arguing about how much they each had to pay towards the bill (not that arguing was something they weren't used to), the two boys ended up walking back to Alex's house, because it was still around 5:30 in the morning, and while Alex still wanted to go back to sleep, and he had really wanted to deny the younger boy when he'd asked to come over, but he didn't, of course, so sleep wasn't something Alex would be getting any time soon.

They flopped onto the sofa the minute they got into the older's house, the same spots they had been in not even two days ago. There was nothing good on TV, only those stupid infomercials that were irrelevant to the rest of the world. Alex turned off the TV not even 5 minutes after turning it on, and Jack turned his attention toward the older boy, who in return, turned his attention to Jack. And it was kind of weird, but they stared at each other for a few moments, trying to figure out what the other was feeling.

They both came up blank, and Alex sighed before blurting, “What's up with you lately?”

Jack's brow furrowed, a confused look messing with his features, “What exactly do you mean by that?” he asked, but he already knew what Alex meant. He knew the moment that the older boy parted his lips.

“I mean you're not you Jack. You've been talking to me, hell, you fucking slept on top of me Friday night. You ask me to hang out, you wake me up at 4 in the fucking morning. I don't... I do have the right to be confused here, do I not?”

The younger boy sighed, rolling his eyes and turning his body so that he was facing Alex, legs criss-crossed underneath him, “So, I can't be friendly without you unless something is wrong?”

“I.. no, no you can't, Jack. We're not friends, okay? I don't know if you got the idea that we are or something, but that's not the case. We're not friends, we will never be friends. You and me, we don't mix. It's just the way it is, the way it's been for god knows how long. So just leave it alone. Don't fuck up what I've been living with since I was in the fourth grade.”

“In fourth grade, we weren't fucking,” Jack countered, and Alex groaned, rolling his eyes.

“You get my fucking point, smartass. You know exactly what happened in fourth grade, and I hope you remember it until the day you die. I hope the guilt sinks in just deep enough to make it hurt like a motherfucker. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

Jack didn't even attempt to respond, because he was coming up blank and he'd rather not stutter. That wouldn't make him look good. So he simply got up out of his place, partially storming towards the front door and slamming it on the way out. Why the hell was Alex bringing that up now?

- - -

A/N: I was gonna make them fuck but I'm too lazy to write it out rn and drama sounds better. While LJ was down, I started working on Secrets (which I'm not posting until I finish the entire story. I don't want to be pressured to write that one. It's significantly longer than my other two stories and I just want to make sure it's done before I start dishing out parts). YNINGLYG (wow what a lovely abbreviation) is probably going on hiatus. I don't have the current patience to try and rack my brain for ideas for it. So I'm probably only going to be writing this and Secrets for a while. Maybe some one shots, I haven't decided yet. I wrote a few while LJ was down but they're quite dark and involve a lot personal relevance so I'm not sure about them.
Anyways, if you read this, you must be raimy stalking my stories lol

chaptered: ihyt, rating: nc-17

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