I Hate You Too [eight]

Aug 20, 2011 01:23

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal.

A/N at the bottom.


Alex had expected a lot of his childhood to come rushing back to him at some point. It was a given, really, he couldn't run away from it. It happened.

Not that the entire thing was bad, really, because it wasn't. And he was a pretty lucky child. Had a lot of things that most children his age didn't. His parents had always spoiled him, gotten him almost everything he wanted.

He wasn't friendless or lonely either. He had some really good friends. At the time, at least.

However, Lisa? Lisa was not a part of it he had expected. At all.

In fact, she was a part of a certain piece of his childhood. A piece that had totally fucked up everything he knew to this day. One part that he had completely willed away. And he was not very happy to get it back.

So why was he doing this? Why was he sitting across from Lisa in some diner (the one that him and Jack had sauntered into at 4am that one time. Said memory wasn't making Alex feel any less nervous) when he knew what was coming. Because she didn't know. She had left before it happened.

“Wow, Lex,” she said, surprise lacing Lisa's tone, “I didn't think I'd run into you, honestly. And just, wow, it's been a really long time.”

Alex nodded, because really, he didn't know what to say. Lisa could sense this, and she was quite confused, to say the least. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't know what happened. Alex would like to keep it that way.

“So. Tell me about your life! You and Jack realize your feelings for each other yet?”

He knew she was joking, but god out of everything she could say, she had to say that? Now? Of all times? It made Alex sick just thinking about it.

“We don't, er, me and Jack don't talk anymore,” Alex said hesitantly, hoping the petite girl would just drop the subject. However, if he remembered her correctly, she wouldn't. He was praying she'd changed. Just, for the love of god, please let her be different than all those years ago.

Her expression dropped, lips forming a small pout, “Aw, why? What happened?” she asked tentatively.

Alex wanted to die. He really wanted to die. Six feet under sounded like a great place to be.

He contemplated lying, but Lisa was too sweet for that. It wasn't like she was purposely trying to make him feel bad. Hell, they were the closest of close back in elementary school. At least until she moved.

“After you left Lisa..” he trailed off, biting his lip a bit harder than he had wanted to, causing Alex to wince at the pain. Lisa looked at him intently, causing the boy to sigh and shake his head, “I just, I don't like talking about it, Lisa. I'm sorry.”

She nodded, soon shaking her head, “Totally cool, Lex. You don't have to. But if you ever wanna tell me, I'm here. Yeah?” And this is why Alex loved her. This is why he chose her as one of his best friends back in first grade. Alex simply nodded, showing her that he was paying attention.

They were both quiet for a few moments, before Lisa sighed, the smile returning to her face, “You look really good, Lex. I mean, not that you ever looked bad. I'm just blabbing, you know.” Lisa babbled on, Alex chuckling because yeah, this was Lisa.

“I didn't even think you'd recognize me,” Alex admitted truthfully, “I thought you'd think I was some crazy stalker or something.” The admission made Lisa laugh, and the boy found it kind of cute.

“You're such a dumbfuck. You think I wouldn't recognize my best friend? My Lexy?” she asked, causing Alex to shrug in reply, “I don't know. I mean, it's been like 8 or 9 years. People change, Lisa.”

Lisa rolled her eyes, continuing on about how she could never possibly forget Alex. But that's not what the boy was focused on. Not at all. His thoughts were focused on the one nickname. The one that, to this day, made Alex's stomach churn.

Lexy. And okay, maybe it was kind of ridiculous to still get agitated over it. But he did, because he really hated when anyone called that. Especially Jack, who took the liberty of calling the older boy that every time there was alcohol pumping through his system.

And Alex just really hated how everything leaded back to the younger boy.

- - -

Zack didn't know what to do anymore.

He was at the point where nothing was going right, and at the same time he couldn't do anything about it. No one was talking to Alex, hell, he hadn't even seen Alex in the past week. Jack was acting weird and no doubt it had something to do with the older boy.

Was he suspicious? A little, but he trusted Alex and Jack enough to believe that neither of them would ever do anything to hurt him. Jack was in love with him, Alex was his best friend. And besides, the two despised each other. What the hell would they gain from doing anything?

At least, Zack liked to believe that Jack loved him, because there were points in time where the older of the two doubted it all. But those times never lasted long, and even if he could ever convince himself that Jack didn't love him, he'd mentally slap himself for it.

It wasn't that Jack was some unlovable prick. Sure he had his moments, he had a lot of moments. But Jack had reasons for it, one of them being his parents. So Zack understood, and honestly, it hurt when Alex shit talked about him, because in his perspective, Jack didn't deserve it.

Alex's, however, well his perspective was completely the opposite. Jack deserved what was coming to him, at least that's what he thought. And Zack and Alex fought over that constantly, which caused a lot more conflict than was needed in his life.

When it all boiled down to it, Zack loved Jack, and he wasn't going to give him up for anything.

Zack, however, didn't know if Jack shared the same feeling.

- - - - - -

A/N: SEE I TOLD YOU LISA WASN'T THAT BAD. And if anything, she helped you figure out a liiiittle bit more. I'm also sorry I'm horrible with writing Merrikat but it's only because I worship Jalex and it's hard aisudhyfhdusja but I'm trying.

So I know I did really horribly with updating the last few chapters, but writing fillers is really hard if you didn't already know, and I tried really hard. So this, m'dears, is making up for my horribleness. And because this chapter was really easy to write. I've had this planned for for-fucking-ever, as do I with the next several chapters so I should be good for a while.

I actually know how this series is ending already, I have the last chapter completely done in my head lol. Oooooo. Anyways okay bye.

chaptered: ihyt

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