Back from New York! Had a great time, enjoyed walking around in outfits that would get scornful looks from the folks from my hometown. Did not enjoy having to deal with my poor mother going through a ridiculous period. She has an issue that makes her bleed super heavy, and spent a good chunk of the trip looking for bathroom. Was surprised by the amount of couples with small children walking around with one in the stroller and another in the mother's stomach. Now, this is just a personal preference, but I imagine it would be HEEEELLLLLLL to have to care for a newborn while your other child was hitting the terrible twos. OH U CRAZY NY MOTHERS. <3 <3 <3
As promised, pics!:
This is my side of the hotel room, facing towards Broadway, I think. Oh, my sense of direction...
Sitting in the window seat, making my mother veeery nervous. The view was great from there!
The actual view from my window. We were about eight stories up, so I had a nice view of the street.
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY got my roommate confirmation for Mason. She seems very nice, even if there was a brief issue with my being interested in Wicca. She was sure that this made me a witch (and thus a devil worshiper, OBVSLY), but we worked everything out. I'm also about six rooms down from a good friend from high school, which is great!
Went to Borders yesterday and bought four books (A College of Magics, The Blue Sword, Marked, and The Quotable Bitch), two of which I'd already read. But I love love love Robin McKinley and I have fond memories of A College of Magics so I figure it was worth the extra 10 bucks. Marked was the first in a vampire (or VAMPYRE as the book calls them :D) series written by a mother and daughter team. I've been wary of vampire novels ever since the Twilight mania started, but it's actaully quite good. The setting is in an alternate universe where vampires are basically a higher evolved level of humans, plus magic. Most of the important actors and musicians are vampires (Nicole Kidman, Garth Brooks) and they're basically the upper class. The main character gets marked with a tattoo that signals her becoming a vampire, and stuff starts to happen. She goes to a "Vampire Finishing School" and becomes awesome (BASICALLY). I think the book would've gotten very boring for me if the authors hadn't included a magic that runs very close to Wicca, and some nifty ceremonies. The plot and BAD GUYZ are pretty easy to figure out, but it's a good way to spend a lazy afternoon. Rec'd!