additional information

May 04, 2010 19:11

BCH has several sites. I've been working at one of the Boulder locations, but the last three days (and the rest of this week) they have me out at another site closer to home. It's way slower, and we only have two people and an admin rather than, like, eight, so there are more responsibilities and things to do than at BMC. And I dig that. We also have our own room (even if it is closet-sized), so there's no having to see the crowd in the waiting room, or feeling like your coworkers are hovering over your shoulder or judging the time you take to do things and the way you get them done. It can be, however, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly slow. Yesterday was supposedly a "crazy" day, and we only saw about 60 patients -- we get almost twice that at the other site.

Add to the mix:

N -- admissions, early 30s?
She's wicked smart and kind of nerdy and very nice and laughs at my jokes and I am really very fond of her (it helps, I'm sure, that she has complimented me many times and in specific ways). She's from Boston, went to uni in DC, and sits at her desk drawing from an anatomy text during slow periods.

J2 -- Lab II, lead tech, my age
J2 only works at this location. She's a tiny redhead, super sweet and helpful. I feel awful because she's been out the last two days (and will be the rest of the week) with a "family emergency", which I fear translates into miscarriage of her 3-month pregnancy.

a slew of super high maintenance nurses and PAs
Holy crap. Like, they'll drop off a strep screen and come back two minutes later to check its result (the test itself takes about 6 minutes total, plus the time to get it ready amidst the other things we might happen to be in the middle of) and get super pissy if it's not done. Or the one who drops a dozen specimens off at 5:01 (we technically close, and stop accepting specimens, at 5). A lot of them are really nice, though, and it's kind of cool to be interacting with other hospital staff and not just lab folk.

D, E, and W also take shifts at this location.

Drew my first baby yesterday (barely 2 years old); it went surprisingly well. E offered to do it, but hell, I won't learn if I don't do it, right? Also got three POC Hbs (hemoglobin checks that we do right then and there, via a capillary puncture -- on adults, it's a finger; on babies, a toe), which I'd never done before, and it was interesting to note that the babies really didn't seem to care about being stuck, but, rather, were unhappy about me holding their feet still for longer than ten seconds. And OMG, talk about cute, flirty babies! /sigh

Oh! Let us not forget to mention that Special K turned in her two weeks' notice on wednesday! Apparently, A1 told her to "mind her own damned business" and that was the last straw. She's been written up several times lately, and people are obviously peeved with her and the idea of having to work with her, so it's probably better that she's leaving on her own terms rather than waiting to get fired. And yes, I'm sure it's true -- we got our new schedules today, and she's no longer on it. Eeeeeeeenteresting.
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