Nov 20, 2008 10:20

"Things get better" Lol. So I've heard that phrase a million times since the ninth grade. "Don't worry Sam, things will get better, it's going to be okay." Well it's not okay. It's not fair that I got hit by a damn truck, and now I have over thirty thousand dollars in hospital bills. It's not fair that I'm never going to be able to get my own place, because my credit is going to suck. It's not fair that I hurt every single day and my memory is shit, because some dumbass wasn't paying attention. Tell me that there was no way they could have stopped. How about switching lanes? Because apparently no one else was on the road. If someone was, there would be more witnesses for my accident.
Couldn't help but to cry myself to sleep last night because the shit is depressing as all hell, and you know what? Cory was just too damn busy playing video games to be there for me. Isn't that some fucking shit? I am so irate right now, it's not even funny.
I am so sick of life. It's like it's never going to get any better. It's always something, from my grandma being a bitch, to cory not caring enough about me, to school stressing me out, to my parents sucking at life and not being around.. I mean my mom is trying, even though that doesn't make up for the past 3 years, but atleast she really acts like she wants to make the future better. Even if she goes back to her old ways, atleast she acts like she wants a diffrent life.

On the plus side, school is over soon.
And doesn't start back up till January 12th.
Corys car is almost done.
So I wont have to drive him around anymore.
And soon enough be set free of this relationship that's gone to shit.
& today is payday!
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