Oct 28, 2005 14:17
A) Im not sure if i am stuck up or not.. i dont know i dont view myself from others perspective. i am willing to be friends with basicly anyone if they are nice to me and cant help that i live where i live now or elsewhere in the past
B) At one point i did live in a trailer.. but it was directly after i lived in troy and the trailer was in sterling heights... and i cant ever remember shopping at walmart save like 10x and not for clothes.. and i dont know if that makes me stuck up, or if i just like name brands bc i think that they are cute
C) I dont want any drama. i have no problems with anyone. maybe i dont always make the best decisions, but that is on my head and nobody is perfect.
D) I never wanted to indirectly hurt anyones feelings by the entry i wrote previously... it seriously was a joke... (note all the "lol's" and the fact that i claim to want to be a "reverse mormon"). Maybe if you dont know me real well, than you just wouldnt understand my humor. the entry wasnt aimed at anyone and it actually pertained to something completly different.
so basicly all i want to say is sorry to everyone who got offended and how the name calling and shit got started i dont know, but its over. im truly sorry if all along you just thought i was stuck up, but i always thought you were cool. and i had fun on wednesday, im glad we all went.
and i love everyone, so after this entry, my journal is gonna be strictly friends only, and i hope that i dont get anyone else pissed/annoyed at me. bc sometimes im just talking outta my ass about things prolly only nikki knows about haha.
ps i love you kel, and you seriously are the shit, i mean it. you rock the party and the after party lol