Oct 27, 2005 16:50
It's funny how sometimes something extreme needs to happen in order for you to realize what you've lost. It's funny how every day millions of people take millions of blessings for granted. People grow, people change, and peoples decisions are influenced, everyday. people plan but you never really know what to expect. Theres no way of telling what tomorrow will bring, or in some cases, what it wont. Everyday you have a thousands of new oppertunities to make the right decisions or just decisions and changes in general. Everyday its like you get the chance to right the wrong, to change the bad and to complete the uncompleted. Someone once told me " no one makes your decisions for you, if something doesnt make you happy then dont do it" simple? yes? easier said than done?...isnt everything?
Although I have many more days to see and many more things to experience and many more people to meet over the past few months I've realized things about myself, the world, and the people in my life that I may never have seen depending on the path I had chosen. I have no regrets, only modifications.