Jul 20, 2004 16:38
alrighty well im making this entry cuz i said i would:-p...
well like i said my friend believes that aliens put us here to see how we would addapt.. and to keep us safe because they knew this was the only planet we could addapt to. and obviously they were right! but yeah neways... they brought us here and every time that we see a U.F.O. its them checking on us to see how we are doing! like i said his makes just as much since if not more cuz it would explain alot. i told my pastor once that i thought a bunch of people got together and wrote the bible! they thought of someone they would want to be "perfect" and told a story of what would happen. and then they put their parts in different places. that makes since too. i'd like to say i do enjoy my theory! its logical i think! but yeah i think u cant judge someone by their grammar and spelling! many famous ppl couldnt spell. and i dont see u bitching at them! and if i could spell i wouldnt want to be told that that meant i didnt have an understanding of the church or my views! i dont need to study more bout what im talking bout cuz quite frankly im sick of studying shit i have heard more than once! church since 8... then my mom gives me the option if i want to go to church on sundays i tell her the night befor if i want to go and i liked that and now im here and i have to go every sunday! luckly the only hott guy in H-E-B goes to church woth me ;) lol well yeah im sick of all this! and ppl saying when they get saved from something it was gods work... it was ur bodies work! or maybe the aliens! thats bout all i have to say~carla~ comments are welcomed